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Pre-E3 2016 roundup 6/7 – Someone has pretty loose lips...

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Published: June 8, 2016 12:38 AM

Another day and plenty more leaks have been revealed leading up to E3 2016 which starts this weekend. Yesterday we talked about some of the pre-E3 news including a HD remake of Final Fantasy XII, the new release windows for classic 3D platformer inspired Yooka-Laylee, and even a new game from Volition called Agents of Mayhem. Please remember to take everything in this article with a grain of salt as these are still mostly unconfirmed rumors.

Microsoft E3 2016 Enter the Dragon Punch Leak

The first couple of rumors come from NeoGAF's Xbox E3 2016 Press Conference thread where user "Enter the Dragon Punch", who has been the source of multiple accurate leaks over the past couple of days, talked about Forza Horizon 3 being the next game in the franchise. This also makes sense for the franchise as Forza Horizon 2 was released September of 2014 and Forza Motorsport 6 was released September of 2015. Enter the Dragon Punch also said that he has it "on good authority from multiple sources that Halo 5 will be coming to PC." This might mean PC Halo fans could get what they've been asking for for years. Thisgengaming, who yesterday leaked the Dead Rising 4 images, has put out another article today revealing that there has been talk about a "huge third party exclusive remake set to be revealed at E3 for Xbox One and Windows 10 that's being funded by Microsoft." The post was updated later to include that the game will have 4 player co-op, and that "It's a great game to play for when the weather outside is frightful."


In continuing with the Microsoft leaks Kotaku writer Jason Schreier tweeted this morning about a death theme at Microsoft's conference. This tweet was linked on the same NeoGAF thread where Enter the Dragon Punch appeared again stating "Alright, since Schrier spilled the beans.... State of Decay 2 is an online zombie game."

Bethesda also seems to be getting their  fair share of leaks as well as once again NeoGAF users started to casually talk about what might be announced at the Bethesda conference. This time Shinobi602 teased the release of a "remaster of sorts" for Skyrim, which Enter the Dragon Fist then backed up saying "it's real." This remaster will bring with it mod support for consoles, like Fallout 4, all DLC and improved visuals. One of the voice actors of a key character in Wolfenstein: New Order has also spoken to Polish TV station TVN that she is currently working on a "second one." This news was first revealed by Eurogamer who had Eurogamer Poland translate the quote into English. Bethesda might also have Prey 2 to announce as we reported a couple of weeks ago that Prey 2's domain page now redirects to an unactivated Facebook Page.


The last piece of news that was leaked today was that Injustice 2 was going to be revealed at E3, though no word has been revealed yet where it will be shown. ZhugeEX, a poster on NeoGAF, posted the above image on twitter this morning, leaked from a Gamestop. Shortly after this Ed Boon, director and producer over at Midway, made a tweet crossing off Gamestop from a Party Invitation List and then followed it up asking whether anyone knew how to remove something from the Currently Trending list on Twitter.


One of the big announcements today that wasn't a leak though was expanded details on what attendees of the EA Play event in LA and London would be able to get their hands on. Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, FIFA 17, Madden NFL 17, and NHL 17 will all be playable on the floor. There will be a livestreamed Battlefield 1 multiplayer match showing off the 32 v 32 gameplay with teams created from YouTubers, Twitch Streamers, and Celebrities. On Sunday attendees will be able to get autographs from Todd Gurley of the LA Rams, and on Monday Todd McFarlane will be signing limited edition Titanfall 2 posters.

There were also a couple more substantial leaks and reveals today including more information about the setting and release date for Watch Dogs 2, news of a console port for XCOM 2, a whole plethora of announcements from XSEED, and the reveal of a new launch game for the PlayStation VR called Tethered.

What do you think of today's leaks and announcements? Is there anything here that you're really hoping for? What kind of things do you think will be announced next?

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew