
November 2017 PlayStation Plus Lineup Announced

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Published: November 1, 2017 4:31 PM

Halloween is over and November has come, time to take down the scary skeletons, smash those pumpkins, and get ready to eat yourself silly in prep for black Friday.  Until then Sony is offering a few interesting games for all PlayStation Plus subscribers.

Starting off this months list we have Worms Battlegrounds. For those unfamiliar with the series, Worms Battlegrounds is the 2014 follow up to the long-running 2D strategy series from 1997.  In Worms Battlegrounds you will blow up your enemies and change the terrain around you to create a tactical advantage or disadvantage.  If you've never played a Worms title before or you're just a fan of strategy games then this one is worth checking out.

If Worms isn't your thing then you might like Bound.  From first party Sony developer Santa Monica Studio (God of War), Bound takes a more artistic approach to the traditional platformer formula and infuses it with a gorgeous visual aesthetic, great music, and puts it all in a nice easy to digest package.  While it may look a bit pretentious on the surface level, Bound is an exceptional experience for those who liked Journey, Absolver, and The Unfinished Swan.  It also supports PSVR and PS4Pro 4k resolution.

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Whys it always gotta be clowns

For those of you who have a PSVR, Sony is going to be offering the on-rails horror shooter Until Dawn: Rush of Blood for free beginning November 7th all the way until January 2nd. We reviewed it back in December and gave it a positive score.  If you have a PSVR and don't own this game yet then absolutely pick it up for the low price of free.

For those of you still using a PS3, you will be getting R-Type Dimensions and Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic. Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic is an early PS3 brawler title that focuses on ragdoll physics.  R-Type Dimensions is a throwback side-scrolling space shooter.

Finally, for those of you Vita evangelists you will be getting the tag team brawler RPG Dungeon Punks (Cross-buy for PS4) and episodes 1-2 of Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse.

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I don't know what takes more time. Finishing the KH Collection 100% or trying to figure out the plot.

There's also a "double discount" sale going on in the PS Store which features PS Plus exclusive discounts on titles such as Horizon Zero Dawn and the greatest dollar for hour value in video games, Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix.

What do you think of this month's offerings?  Is Bound worth the cost of a membership? Will you play Until Dawn Rush of Blood?  Why are there so many Kingdom Hearts games?  Let us know in the comments below! 

Nick Maillet TechRaptor
| Former Lead Video Editor

When im not playing games Im working on TV shows as a colorist. You can find me on twitter posting pictures of my rabbit and other useless junk.