Kirby's Dream Buffet Release Date Rolls Around Next Week

We now have a release date for the upcoming race...platform...thing Kirby's Dream Buffet, and it's sooner than you might think

Published: August 11, 2022 8:36 AM /


A banner showing Kirby and his colorful friends rolling down a food-themed course in Kirby's Dream Buffet

Not long after it was announced, we now have a Kirby's Dream Buffet release date. The latest off-kilter Kirby game will launch next week, and accompanying that announcement, we also got some new details about how the game will work.

When is the Kirby's Dream Buffet release date?

Kirby's Dream Buffet was announced back in July, and just a month later, we have a Kirby's Dream Buffet release date. The game is launching for Nintendo Switch next week on August 17th, so it won't be long before you can check it out and work out exactly what it's supposed to be. In addition to the release date announcement, Nintendo also released a new trailer showing off some of Kirby's Dream Buffet's gameplay elements. You can take a look at that trailer here (and given that this is one of the less conventional Kirby games, it might be a good idea to do so).

What new Kirby's Dream Buffet gameplay details are there?

Although Kirby's Dream Buffet looks a little like Kirby meets Fall Guys, there's more going on here (and likely no unpopular in-game currency systems, too). The game features three game modes, and you'll need to compete with up to three other Kirbys across each if you want to succeed. The first mode, Race, is pretty simple: roll around a race course while gathering strawberries in order to grow your Kirby. You'll need to use "Copy Food Abilities" to gain the upper hand, too; Kirby can eat certain foods to gain powers such as the strawberry-gathering Tornado or the wall-bypassing Jelly. If you reach the goal first, you'll gain a huge amount of strawberries, with second and third place getting more modest amounts.

The Race gameplay mode in action in Kirby's Dream Buffet
The Kirby's Dream Buffet Race mode has you racing against other Kirbys for strawberries.

After Race, it's Minigame, which sees you battling against your foes in a series of different minigames. Once again, the goal is to consume strawberries, but they might be falling from the sky, hidden in boxes, or hovering over the heads of enemies. Last but not least, you'll compete in the Battle Royale mode, but don't worry; Kirby's Dream Buffet isn't about to spawn another 96 Kirbys for you to fight. Instead, it's you versus the other Kirbys in your game, and there are a number of new powerups to get to grips with in this mode. Depending on how many strawberries you eat, you'll get access to new costumes and other cosmetic unlocks at the end of each game, so try to grab as many as you can. You'll also unlock new stages based on your strawberry total, so that's even more incentive to gather them.

Kirby's Dream Buffet launches for Nintendo Switch on August 17th. It'll support local play and online multiplayer, so be sure to recruit your friends if you think they're up for playing this offbeat new game. We'll bring you more on this game and all things Nintendo as soon as we get it, so stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph