Kingdom Hearts 3, the long awaited sequel to Kingdom hearts 2's release in 2005, is deciding to move away from the engine they were currently planning on developing the game on. Tetsuya Nomura, the Director of Kingdom Hearts 3, has recently had an interview with Famitsu, a popular Japanese video game magazine, where he discussed the upcoming release of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 as well as sharing information on the progress of Kingdom Hearts 3.
Nomura stated in the interview that development of Kingdom Hearts 3 is now going to be moved onto the Unreal Engine by Epic Games and moved away from their own in-house engine called Luminous, which is currently being used for Final Fantasy XV. He also stated that they had been having some trouble recently rendering using the Unreal Engine but that they were working closely with Epic Games so as to resolve any of these issues. Nomura also reinforced to fans that development of Kingdom Hearts 3 will stay on schedule for it's current release windows even with these set backs.
Last year video footage of Kingdom Hearts 3 was shown at the D23 expo but now the look of the game may end up quite different, you can view the footage below:
What do you think about this jump in development engine?