Marvelous and XSEED announced late last week that their third-person shooter Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash would be coming to Steam on March 7th. This is the fourth Senran Kagura game to appear on Steam, after Shinovi Versus, Estival Versus, and Bon Appetit. After seeing considerable success in Japan, Marvelous clearly felt there was success to be had on PC. Peach Beach Splash boasts a 15% discount in the run-up to launch on both the standard and "Sexy Soaker" editions. Said special edition comes with the "Soaking Wet High School Uniform set," as well as the soundtrack, among other things. Both the regular edition and the Sexy Soaker edition can be picked up on Steam for $34/$42.50, respectively.
Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash may look like nothing more than a Splatoon clone, but there's a surprising amount of depth. Its progression is a more permanent version of the "loadout cards" found in Halo 5, for one. It also makes use of the power slide mechanic from Vanquish, strangely, and gives each of the girls water jetpacks. There's both 5v5 multiplayer modes as well as a singleplayer campaign. Of course, you're able to customize the various Senran Kagura girls in any number of ways. Fear not, for the dressing room "interactions" will be making their way onto PC as well.
Unfortunately, Marvelous will not be packaging in any other DLC for Peach Beach Splash for free. With over 200 pieces of add-on content flooding the PS4 already, it'd be nice if some of those add-ons were gifted to us. There's also no word if cross-platform multiplayer will come as part of the PC version. Also, in case you were wondering, there's no confirmation if the PSVR modes will be making their way to PC in the future. Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash comes ashore onto Steam on March 7th.