
The Division Goes to NVIDIA, Hitman Goes to AMD

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Published: February 16, 2016 3:04 PM

It's a time-honored tradition to bundle new high-profile releases with high-profile hardware, and this new batch is no exception! Hardware manufacturers NVIDIA and AMD will this time fight the battle for consumer loyalty by giving customers one of the most-anticipated games for free when they purchase one of their top of the line cards. 

Players who are looking to buy an AMD card will now be given a copy of the upcoming Hitman reboot when they buy select GPUs and CPUs from the company. To take advantage of this offer, you can buy any of the following cards (thanks to the guys and gals over at OC3D for the news): the FX-6000 and FX-8000 CPU series and above and the R9 390 GPU series. All these cards have official DirectX 12 support. Online retailer PC Specialist is also offering a copy of Hitman when you order a full system with an AMD chipset. Hitman recently had a beta, so we've got an article detailing some of the features coming to the game. This offer lasts until the 30th of April. We don't know for sure whether this will only include the Intro Pack, or the Full Experience but one would assume that it's the latter.

If NVIDIA is more to your liking, you will be able to snag a free copy of Tom Clancy's The Division when you buy the GeForce GTX 97, 980 or 980 Ti graphics cards (thank you for the info!), or if you buy a notebook equipped with a GTX 970M or 980M. Not all retailers will carry this offer, so make sure you've picked the right one to take advantage of the offer. If want to know how The Division plays, you can take part in an open beta starting February 19 or, alternatively, you can read my thoughts on the closed beta here. NVIDIA's promotional offer starts this week, and will run for a limited time or as long as supplies last.

If you've had your eye on either of those games and you've been looking to upgrade your rig then there is no better time like the present to get what you want while spending less. 

Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About HITMAN
Game Page HITMAN
IO Interactive
Square Enix
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
March 11, 2016 (Calendar)
Stealth, Strategy
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