As you're hunting down each constellation to awaken you'll find yourself in the time-frozen Raging Seas (probably my favorite location in the game). The Raging Sea collectibles are also interesting as you'll be able to obtain most of them in your first visit, but to find the final two requires you entering the Raging Sea from a secret location. In this Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Raging Sea Collectible Guide we'll go over each of the collectibles and how to get the secret two.
In the Raging Sea you'll be able to find five Treasures, one Sand-Jar, two Xerxes Coins, and two Lore Items
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Raging Sea Collectibles
- Chest of Time Crystals - In room of moving time
In the room after where you start time again once inside a ship for the first time climb it all the way to the top and jump over the left side to find the chest on a ledge
- Azure Damascus Ingot - In room of moving time
Continuing from #1 you'll get on top of the next ship, drop down inside it to find this chest
- Soma Tree Petal - Boss battle reward
Obtained after defeating Orod in battle and continuing to the right
- Chest of Crystals - Obtained from the Ghost Ship
Obtained by finding the Ghost Ship by dropping off the edge of the Lighthouse/Hidden Village and heading to the left
- Soma Tree Petal - Obtained from the Ghost Ship
Obtained by finding the Ghost Ship by dropping off the edge of the Lighthouse/Hidden Village and dropping into the ship, defeating the enemies and then going to the left.
- Sand-Jar #1 - Up from the first Teleport Point
From the Teleport point head to the room above. Climb the Jellyfish to the right until you get under the broken ship and dash to the left to get inside the room with the three enemies. From there you need to drop down and wall grab the wall to the left, drop below it, dash to the left and jump up to the other side of it and then get into the Sand-Jar room from below
Xerxes Coins
- Xerxes Coin #1 - Climb the flaming pole
Head down and to the right from the Wak-Wak tree and look for the pole you can spin on. Use it to go up and wall jump off the burning pole on the left and then over the top to drop onto this Xerxes coin
- Xerxes Coin #2 - Climb inside a burning ship
From the second Wak-Wak tree head up and keep going past where you purchase the map. Platform between the burning wood to obtain this Xerxes coin
Lore Items
- The Comb of a Princess - Underneath the teleport point
At the Wak-Wak tree head down and to the left through a passage, a forced fight and then up again to find this collectible
- Letter from the King Darius to Captain Iris Kaloxilos - On ship in moving room
Once time has resumed and you get to the ship that had treasure inside scale the masts to find this Treasure. After reaching the Time Crystals head to the right to find this collectible
How to find the Ghost Ship in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown?
In order to get up to Treasures #4 and #5 you need to travel to the Hidden Village (you need the Fabric of Time to get there) and leap off the cliff to the right-hand side of the Lighthouse. Instead of falling to your death you'll instead fall onto the top of the Ghost Ship. Once you are done obtaining the two collectibles you can drop off the edge to end up in the same area as the Sand-Jar #1