Omen being trapped and tortured in the Valorant Episode 8 cinematic

(Updated) Valorant Episode 8 Cinematic Teases Omen's History

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Published: January 9, 2024 9:19 AM

Update: The Valorant Episode 8 Act 1 cinematic "Take the Lead" has been released, showing off several of the tidbits coming to the multiplayer shooter as part of the new episode.

They include the brand new double-barreled sniper rifle known as Outlaw, as well as the Kuronami skins and more. You can check out the teaser trailer right here.

The patch notes for Episode 8 are also available here if you want to see everything that's new. Original story follows below.

Original story: Riot has released the Valorant Episode 8 cinematic, and it's got some juicy lore tidbits for anyone who's interested in Omen and Viper, as well as some fun Cypher-Iso team-up action.

As the cinematic starts, we see Cypher and Iso demanding answers from someone known as "The Boss" in Morocco, before the action quickly switches to Indonesia.

There, Russian sniper Sova is tracking a target for Omen with Cypher's help, after which Omen materializes inside the building Sova is watching, demanding "answers".

Cypher sitting at a computer bank in the Valorant Episode 8 cinematic
Cypher fans should get a kick out of the latest Valorant cinematic.

We then see Omen confronting a man who appears to know a lot about his past. Omen demands information about "Shrouded Step", which is also the name of Omen's teleportation ability.

Unfortunately, Omen falls into a trap, upon which his target begins to gloat, calling Omen "our most talented asset". It seems Omen had some kind of role in keeping the discovery of the resource Radianite a secret from a world that "wasn't ready".

As the trailer concludes, Omen's target tells him that his "greatest failure now holds [his] leash" as we see an image of the Agent Viper. Omen teleports away with his target using his Scatter ability, and the cinematic concludes.

It's an action-packed video that also serves as a pretty tantalizing teaser for more Valorant lore. You can check it out here.

Episode 8 of Valorant, otherwise known as Defiance, is expected to launch today, if the official Valorant X (formerly known as Twitter) account is anything to go by.

It'll bring back the Icebox map, as well as a brand new weapon, the Kuronami skin line, and lots more.

Elsewhere in the world of Riot Games, the studio recently announced that Arcane's Ambessa will be joining League of Legends as a champion, and also that Valorant's anti-cheat software Vanguard will be coming to League soon.

Stay tuned for more news on all things Valorant.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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