Watch Dogs 2 is next up with a gameplay demo that will absolutely be representative of the finished product.
We start out in San Francisco. The player is Marcus Holloway, a young hacker and member of Anonymous analogue DedSec. The first thing we see is Marcus hacking someone's car to make them spin out wildly, it looks like we'll be able to do more than look at strangers secrets on their phone this time around. This demo of fun hacker pranks is followed quickly by a demonstration of how easy it is to get started in co-op.
Ridiculous headgear makes a return as we transition to a story mission, our protagonist and his hacker buds are surveilling a shady congressman with ties to facebook stand-in Social Media giant Invite. We take control of a quadcopter drone to surveil the environment and engage in the camera-jumping gameplay unique to Watch Dogs.
Initially visible is that there seems to be more hackable devices in this game and an on the fly music system with some excellent song choice; Don't Sweat the Technique. The live stealth gameplay will be familiar to Watch Dogs players but seems more proactive with gadgets you can throw out to distract and disarm, Marcus moves much quicker than dumpy Aiden Pearce and his hat.
Also in Marcus' arsenal is a little roomba style drone that can R2D2 into computer systems to retrieve data. As that intrusion is detected we pivot to cover based shooting. Watch Dogs 2 still feels like hacking & stealth first, combat last but the speed and proactivity does carry over into gunplay, incentivizing speed and a quick exit as we transition back to a cutscene and the end of the demo.
After the demonstration, studio head Yves Guillemot brings out the Sony bigwigs to outline their relationship with Watch Dogs. It seems like they are confident in Assassin's Creed because Watch Dogs is the next Ubisoft property that has been optioned for a movie.
And last but not least, Playstation will be getting all DLC 30 days before other platforms.
Watch Dogs 2 will release November 11th, 2016 and pre-orders will get a remote control Wrench Jr. drone from the game.
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