Street Fighter V Karin

Street Fighter V Patch Improves Online Play

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Published: February 19, 2016 12:01 PM

After the frankly abysmal launch day of Street Fighter V.  Capcom have been rolling out updates in an attempt to fix some of the more pressing issues with the game. Most of the fixes aim at addressing the issues with the online features that plagued the game on the day of release. Firstly, the matchmaking is now 'working as intended' according to the Capcom Unity blog posted yesterday. Whilst players were waiting upwards of 15 minutes to find a game previously, the fix aims to cut that time drastically and seems to have succeeded. Upon testing, I am now waiting no more than a minute to find a game with a rank 4-5 connection. However, as seen on the comments on the Capcom Unity blog post, some players are still experiencing extremely long waiting times for matchmaking.

Secondly we have fixes to various features of the Capcom Fighters Network (CFN). Capcom have addressed some issues regarding searching for other players using the rival search feature. Again, this is an evident fix, now being able to find opponents I that I could previously not find before. Another issue being addressed is the bug which results in ranking updates, battle points and replays not appearing immediatly after a match. Capcom has said they are currently addressing these issues.

The Private battle lounge have also undergone a number of fixes. However the Capcom blog post seems fairly ambiguous as to what exactly has been addressed. Having spoken to a number of players who own the game on PS4 and PC, it seems that issues with the Battle Lounges closing at random and players being unable to join Battles Lounges when invited seems to have been mostly fixed. These anecdotal reports come from players based in the UK exclusively.

Quick Take

Whilst Street Fighter V remains in a less than perfect state for many players, from the issues I have personally had with the online components have been addressed and have resulted in a rather stable online experience with a few exceptions including the occasional match having severe lag despite claiming good connectivity. Whilst these fixes are welcome, Capcom have a long ways ago and further pressing matters to address such as the lack of PS3 and PS4 directinput controller support for PC resulting in me and many others to resort to 3rd party software in order to use our fightsticks and controllers. This coupled with the extremely barebones single player content has severly tarnished an otherwise fantastic game. Keep a look out for the full review coming soon.

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| Staff Writer

I am a UK based game/tech writer person. Also, I share a name (barring one letter) with a famous actor who I am not sadly.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Street Fighter V
Game Page Street Fighter V
Capcom, Dimps
PC, PlayStation 4, Arcade
Release Date
February 6, 2016 (Calendar)