street fighter 5

Street Fighter 5 Beta Rescheduled Due To Technical Difficulties

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Published: July 24, 2015 3:27 PM

Last night was supposed to be the first chance for those who pre-ordered to sink their teeth into an early version of Street Fighter 5 on PlayStation 4. However, there have been a few hiccups in that plan, with reports of server issues causing Capcom to first bring the game down for maintenance, and then eventually delay the beta entirely. Releasing a statement, Capcom apologized for the unforeseen problems:

“We apologize for the ongoing issues that users have been experiencing with the SFV beta test. In order to allow us to fix the issues as quickly as possible, we are going to initiate a period of extended maintenance, during which time the beta will be unavailable to all users. We will let you know the date on which the closed beta test will re-open once all problems have been fixed. We sincerely apologize for having to bring this unfortunate news to you. Thank you for your patience. Please stay tuned for further updates.”

The statement seems to indicate that the beta will not be coming up today at any point. They've also assured fans on Twitter that the beta will be appropriately extended, as it was originally scheduled to only run a few days. Yoshinori Ono also chimed in with an apology and a hint that it would be rescheduled rather than delayed.

Quick Take

This situation is a good sign to me that this is an actual beta for Capcom and not actually just a pre-order incentive. It is unfortunate for those who were hoping to get their Hadoken on this morning, but they seem to be on top of fixing the issue, and it's better that the game is broken now rather than at launch. I certainly wish 343 had a similar mindset last year with Master Chief Collection.

Were you looking forward to playing Street Fighter 5 on your PS4 today? Are you instead grabbing the game on Steam? Why are there five Street Fighter games but only one Cyberbots? Answer these questions and more in the comments below!

Alex Santa Maria TechRaptor
| Staff Writer

Alex Santa Maria is TechRaptor's former Reviews Editor (2015-2020) and current occasional critic. Joining the site early in its life, Alex grew the review… More about Alex

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Street Fighter V
Game Page Street Fighter V
Capcom, Dimps
PC, PlayStation 4, Arcade
Release Date
February 6, 2016 (Calendar)