
PlatinumGames Wants to Show Bayonetta 3 Off

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Published: September 10, 2021 10:59 AM

Bayonetta 3 has been long-awaited by fans, and they've been desperate to catch a glimpse of the latest Bayonetta title from PlatinumGames. It turns out that PlatinumGames is apparently just as desperate to show off their work, with the decision to do so completely out of their hands. 

Originally announced back in 2017 at The Game Awards, Bayonetta 3 made a lot of noise... and then quickly vanished like a fart in the wind. Or in Bayonetta's case like hair in the wind, because she has a lot of hair, am I right?

Anyways, we got some reassurance back in 2019 that, with PlatinumGames studio head Atsushi Inaba saying to Video Games Chronicle that "... just because we're not showing it here (at E3 2019) doesn't mean it's not going well." That's all well and good, but with Bayonetta 1 and 2 being as good as they were, Bayonetta fans can't really be blamed for chomping at the bit and wanting to know more.

Well, now that it's been two years since the last update, we need another excuse. We got it again from Atsushi Inaba, who's saying that "There’s no need to worry. Don’t worry about it at this time. Everything’s OK.” Blink three times if you need help, PlatinumGames. Usually, it's two, but with it being Bayonetta 3 and all you get the drift.

Jokes aside, here's the real meat of Atsushi Inaba's message to Video Games Chronicle:

“As much as everyone is clamouring to see it, we are really, really waiting to release it too,” he said. “Everyone who is working on the project is of course very proud of what we’re doing and wants everyone to see what we’re doing.

“As much as fans are waiting for it, we are waiting for the day when we can show it. We want everyone to cheer us on as we run to the final stretch. We want to show it too!”

So, it looks like Bayonetta fans are out of luck for now. Hopefully, we won't have to wait another two years until we get another update.

Thanks, Video Game Chronicle.

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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