The Borderlands 3 presentation opened with Paul Sage, Creative Director at Gearbox Software taking the PC Gaming Show 2019 stage with Day[9] to talk about Borderlands 3.
Things kicked off with a discussion about Moze, a character that pilots a massive mech called Iron Bear. Moze can equip a minigun, railgun, or flamethrower to the mech, so she has a variety of different options available to her for combat.
We then moved on to a series of questions from the community about Borderlands 3. You can see the questions in the Borderlands 3 Q&A Interview from the PC Gaming Show or simply read our transcription of the questions and answers after the video.
Day [9]: What can you tell us about some of the other gear, some of the other progression systems in the game?
Paul Sage: Right, yeah so, [let's] talk about grenades. One of my favorite things that we don't get to talk about a lot. So, in the past we've had grenades, they've had like one thing — they can bounce, they can stick to different things, you know? This time, we're combing, like, all of those things. So, for instance the other day, I was playing. I threw a grenade, and that grenade had a bounce, it would stick, an explosion would come out, and the grenade would fire guns as it was going through. So, we have like a ton of different grenades that are in there. There's a lot you can do with things like, we have shields. There's a shield where if you duck, that shield will extend out in front of you. Tons of different things that we have with our characters. Class mods. Class mods are unique. And that they actually give you skills this time as well as enhancing the skills you currently have.
Day[9]: I also remember earlier you mentioned about artifacts. What are those?
Paul Sage: So, artifacts are... we've kind of concentrated on, like, "Hey, does the game feel fluid? Can I slide into things? Can I jump? Can I mantle?" So when we were playing with that, we slid into a barrel, right, and the barrel exploded. And we're like, "Well, that's kind of fun. So why don't we do something like that?" So our artifacts actually add certain things to movement. So, for instance, you can slide faster, you can slide and every time you slide there's an explosion, we have something [trails off]
Day[9]: There's gonna be a single-player campaign. What's gonna be happening after the campaign? What are some of the- beyond the single-player, maybe end-game content that you can talk about?
Paul Sage: Alright, end-game content. Well, it's E3, so I can give a little bit. So we have this thing [that] we call the Guardian System. So, for those people who played Borderlands before, you might remember Badass Ranks. Badass Ranks, you could get, you know, it's basically kind of an infinite progression system that added to your stats. We've doubled down on that. We have what we call Guardian Rank. And Guardian Rank not only has that infinite progression, but it has skills and different skins that you can open up as you go through. And the cool thing about that is like, every character that you play on on that account gets the benefits of Guardian Rank.
Day[9]: How do the boss fights in Borderlands 3 compare to Borderlands 1 and 2? [...] How do you build upon that?
Paul Sage: Right, so I think of a boss fight, you know, like, I'm an old-school Nintendo fan, right? I love huge boss fights that have three phases and stuff like that. So, now, those people- you know, smart people in the audience know that we've talked about going to "vaults" instead of "vault." Right? And so there are different, like, huge boss encounters there that are just multi-phase boss encounters. We have like a lot of different mini-bosses throughout the game, so, a lot of different boss encounters throughout the game.
We then segued to a section where Day[9] took questions from the Internet and relayed them to Paul Sage for answers.
Day[9]: Can I pet the gun?
Paul Sage: I'm not here to judge what you do with your guns. [laughs] That's a personal question.
Day[9]: Is Maya's new companion a siren?
Paul Sage: People are asking the right questions. That's what I will say about that.
Day[9]: Is Tiny Tina going to be seen fighting alongside Vault Hunters?
Paul Sage: Yes.
Day[9]: What's the level cap at launch?
Paul Sage: 50.
Day[9]: Will we get to see Flak?
Paul Sage: ...yes?
Day[9]: Will we see golden keys and/or SHIFT codes for Borderlands 3?
Paul Sage: Absolutely.
Day[9]: Will there be duels?
Paul Sage: Yes.
Day[9]: Other kinds of PVP?
Paul Sage: N... yes and no. [laughs]
Day[9]: Will you be able to transfer weapons between your characters?
Paul Sage: Absolutely. Right from the start.
Day[9]: When is the damn game comin' out?
Paul Sage: Friday the 13th, 2019. September 13th.
It was there that the Q&A session with Paul Sage about Borderlands 3 came to a close.
Borderlands 3 will launch on Friday, September 13, 2019.
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