Overwatch 2 Reveals "Invasion" PvE Content, Hero Masteries, & Flashpoint Mode

The developers of #Overwatch2 have detailed and showcased the "Invasion" PvE Content, Hero Masteries, & Flashpoint mode 👀

Published: June 21, 2023 3:26 PM /


Overwatch Invasion

Today Blizzard Entertainment introduced the upcoming story content that will debut in Overwatch 2 with Season 6, titled "Invasion."

The Invasion content is the successor of the original plans for PvE gameplay, which have been scrapped. A trailer teasing it was showcased during the Xbox Games Showcase.

The co-op missions are intended to finally move the story of the franchise forward and they're set after Winston's recall. Among other things, we'll see how certain characters first meet each other since not everyone in the cast is a returning veteran of the Overwatch team. While the maps are based on some of the PvP areas, they have been rebuilt for PvE.

We're also getting solo content titled Hero Masteries. It's basically a series of simulated challenges created in Gibraltar by Winston. The initial missions will be based on five different heroes who will be released in a staggered fashion. This content is designed for players to hone their skills and perhaps learn heroes that they usually don't play. 

In August we're also getting a new player progression system. Experience is earned per hero and stats are tracked in a variety of categories. You can earn badges for each hero and they will portray the way you play. You can also unlock hero-specific name cards that unlock at progressive levels. 

We also hear about the Flashpoint mode, which takes place in maps that are much bigger than the ones we've had so far. The goal for each team is to be the first to score three points, and each point is earned by fully capturing an objective on the map. The capture points work in a similar way to Control. 

When a team captures a point, a new one will be randomly selected and activated. 

You can check out the full video below, including plenty of gameplay.

Incidentally, recently Blizzard Entertainment has revealed the roadmap including season 7 and beyond, so we already have a partial idea of what further seasons will entail.

Overwatch 2, which is currently in its season 5 for a few more days, is available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It's free-to-play, so you can try it out without a purchase, but, of course, it has plenty of optional microtransactions. 

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