resident evil vendetta movie announcement

New Animated Resident Evil Movie Announced For 2017

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Published: March 26, 2016 12:05 AM

Marza Animation Planet has today announced that they will be releasing a new CGI animated Resident Evil movie in 2017.

Entitled Resident Evil: Vendetta, the movie is slated to star series protagonist Leon S. Kennedy. While there are no exact details into what the plot entails, the animation studio has released a teaser poster (below), showcasing a collaboration between Italian motorcycle manufacture DUCATI. As a result, it is said that the movie will also be featuring some product placement within the climax of the movie, as Leon rides the "newest series XDiavel" motorcycle during these "action-packed scenes".

resident evil vendetta announcement

The movie is to be directed by Takanori Tsujimoto, who is best known for his work on Japanese live-action movies such as Monster Killer, Hard Revenge Milly and Bushido Man.

Film-maker Takashi Shimizu is also reported to be acting as executive producer. Shimizu is best known in for his work on The Grudge (both the Japanese and American versions), Tormented and the more recent video game, Nightcry.

For the musical score, composer Kenji Kawai is said to be joining the production team. Kawai is widely regarded for his work on the televised anime series Fate/Stay Night, and the 2004 anime feature, Ghost In The Shell 2: INNOCENCE.  

The movie also will also be feature Hiroyuki Kobayashi as executive supervisor. Kobayashi is a Capcom employee who has produced such titles as Dragons Dogma, Resident Evil 4, Killer7 and the 2012 animated feature, Resident Evil: Damnation.

Marza Animation Planet is best known for providing CGI animation to numerous SEGA releases. Working with titles such as Phantasy Star, Virtua Fighter 5 and Sonic since 2006, the studio has also been involved in numerous collaboration projects, including some 3D modelling work for Nintendo's Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. Marza Animation Planet is also involved in the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog animated/live action hybrid feature, which is slated for release in 2018.

What are your thoughts on Resident Evil's new CGI animated feature? Are you a fan of the previous CGI movies? Do you think the current production team has the potential to create something awesome? Let us know in the comments below!

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Super famous games journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. When not writing for TechRaptor, Jason is also covering material for Digital Fox.… More about Jason