Capcom Delists Five Games Due to GFWL

In a song and dance that's become increasingly familiar to fans of games that originally released on GFWL, five games in total have been delisted due to game installation errors relating to GFWL.

Published: November 9, 2021 11:11 AM /


Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2, along with other Capcom games from that era has had a bit of a rocky history on PC, which can be summed up in one, horrible sentence: Games For Windows Live. What is this monstrosity, you may ask? Well, GFWL comes from the time where Microsoft was, well, a jerk, and the long-dead service is still affecting Lost Planet 2 and other games, and has recently caused a delisting of not just Lost Planet 12, but also Street Fighter 4Street Fighter X Tekken, and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City.

How was Microsoft a jerk? Basically, some Microsoft executive woke up one day said something like this: "you know what I want to suffer for no particular reason? PC gamers." Oh, and we did suffer. GFWL was a horrible, broken mess that was taken out back close to a decade ago and it still won't die. If you weren't a PC gamer back then you have no idea what I'm talking about, which is good, because then you were spared our collective pain.

So, why am I reminiscing about when being a PC gamer was far more challenging than should've been? Well, here's Capcom's notice explaining why you can't buy five Capcom games on Steam right now:

We are aware of an issue that some customers may be experiencing during game installation which is related to Games for Windows LIVE. We are temporarily disabling the purchase option on Steam while we investigate the matter further. We will keep you informed of the progress of the investigation. Thank you for your patience.

So, players can't install or buy five Capcom games because of Microsoft's long-dead GFWL service. Isn't that wonderful? Well, it isn't, and hopefully, Capcom can fix this problem sooner rather than later. It's happened before, too, with all Lost Planet 2's updates since 2017 about how GFWL won't go away, as this is the third time the game has been delisted due to GFWL. The last two times, it did return to sale, but still had GFWL. Hopefully, this time Capcom takes some time to maybe spruce up and remove GFWL this time.

For more information on Lost Planet 2, Games For Windows Live, and everything in between, stay tuned to TechRaptor for more information.

Disclosure: The article was updated on November 10th with information regarding additional titles beyond Lost Planet 2 having been removed for sale.

What do you think of this news? Did you ever suffer through GFWL? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick