
Horizon Zero Dawn Pre-Order and Collectors Edition Detailed

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Published: June 6, 2016 11:37 PM

On Monday, June 6th, 2016, a new trailer for the upcoming PlayStation 4 game Horizon Zero DawnIn addition to a release date of February 28th, 2017, a pre-order page for the game has appeared on Amazon for both the standard edition of the game, as well as the collector's edition.

The Amazon store page describes the game in as lush world that shows remnants of modern human society. It emphasizes the beautiful contrast of a world that's been overwhelmed by nature while being run by titanic mechanical beasts. This fusion of nature and science is implemented in not only the atmosphere, but also the gameplay, as your primary arsenal is made up of bow, arrows, and traps designed to take down the mechanical creatures. Lastly, the page details how the world will play with day and night cycles as you travel through mountainous and forested areas filled with beasts designed to make the world feel alive.

But enough about the game itself, here is what's included in the collector's edition of Horizon Zero Dawn at the price of $119.99:

  • A 9-inch statue by GentleGiant
  • A 48-page art book
  • A Steelbook case including the game
  • An exclusive PlayStation 4 Dynamic Theme
  • Digital in-game items that are listed as DLC
    • Carja Storm Armor: Fashioned by the proud, ceremonial Carja tribe, this special armor has been crafted with an eye for showy appearance.
    • Carja Striker Bow: The Carja defend their great Sundom with stone fortifications and military might. This finely-made bow, fit for a captain's hand, puts additional stopping power behind every arrow fired.
    • Carja Trader Pack: Rare and precious Machine parts are always in demand on the metal markets of the Carja Sundom.
    • Banuk Trailblazer Armor: A sturdy outfit made by the nomadic Banuk tribe, hunters and shamans from the harsh northern territories.
    • Banuk Culling Bow: The Banuk claim a spiritual understanding of the Machines, and put their harvests of Machine parts to many uses.
    • Banuk Traveller Pack: Though rarely encountered, Banuk explorers have left their intricate tribal marks across the breadth of the known world.
    • Nokra Keeper Pack: The Nora are extraordinarily skilled and inventive at using machine components in their own devices.
    • Nora Machine Trapper Pack: Even the most experienced Nora hunter never goes into the wild unprepared.

There are no pre-order bonuses listed for the standard edition, at least not yet. However at Gamestop, there is naturally some store exclusive DLC to be found. If you pre-order either edition at Gamestop, you'll get all that was listed on Amazon, but you'll also get 2 more DLC packs: The Nora Armor pack and the Nora Longshot Bow.

  • Nora Lookout Armor - This unique outfit is fashion from animals and machines of the Nora tribe's Sacred Land. Renowned for their skill at the hunt and fierce defense of their borders, the Nora's armor provides you with effective camouflage and you get an extra modification slot to customize it to your playstyle.
  • Nora Longshot Bow - This hunting weapon was crafted as a gift to one of the Nora's finest shots, well known for their training from an early age. It offers improved accuracy as well as an extra modification slot.

News for Horizon Zero Dawn has been pretty scarce since it's reveal at last year's E3, and I for one am very excited to see new developments, even if that does include an end of February 2017 release date.

What about you? Are you excited for the game? So much so that you're going to get the collectors edition? Or are you going to wait and see some reviews first? Leave your thoughts in a comment below!

| Former Staff Writer

 I've been playing games my whole life, mostly Nintendo and Playstation. My all time favorite game series are Pokemon, Infamous, Golden Sun and Persona

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Horizon Zero Dawn
Game Page Horizon Zero Dawn
Guerrilla Games
PlayStation 4
Release Date
February 28, 2017 (Calendar)
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