The developers of Factorio have announced that they have sold over 1 million copies of their factory-building game in a Friday Facts post on the game's official website.
Factorio is a game that focuses on base-building and resource management at its core. Players begin the game by construction machines to acquire resources and process them into more useful materials. As time goes by, you must expand your factory and add additional layers of complexity in order to produce higher tiers of goods, all while defending against occasional attackers who are out to ruin all of your hard work. Throughout the progression of the game, your creations get progressively more complex.
Games in the genre of building factory lines like Big Pharma and Factorio don't necessarily have as broad of an appeal due to the complexity of the mechanics, but developers Wube Software LTD. have announced that they have nonetheless crossed the milestone of selling 1 million copies. One of the points of note they make in their blog post is that this is almost the equivalent of the population of Prague, the city where the company is headquartered. The game is currently in Early Access, and the sales figures also factor in purchases made before the game launched on Steam where the developer sells it directly.
The developers have decided to celebrate this milestone by throwing a party in Prague for themselves, fellow developers, and a limited number of interested fans. The event will be taking place at a venue in Prague, and interested parties can purchase tickets here. Only 100 tickets will be available for fans at 10 Euros each and you'll have to be over the age of 18 to attend. Aside from the milestone, the Factorio devs will be hosting an AMA on the game's subreddit on Tuesday, May 30, 2017. There's also an interview on the blog post with a developer, although it's in Czech so you'll have to enable subtitles unless you speak the language. If you don't yet own the game yourself you can grab it on Steam - and if you'd like to try it for yourself first, you can give their demo a whirl.
What do you think about Factorio? Are you surprised that the game has already crossed the milestone of selling 1 million copies? Would you ever attend a party with a game's developers if the opportunity were made available to you? Let us know in the comments below!