If you know your DRM, then you've almost certainly been clamoring for Denuvo DLC DRM, right? Right? Well, your prayers have been answered. SecureDLC is the industry's first DLC DRM solution, and it's launching today with free-to-play developers and anyone who already uses Denuvo anti-tamper tech in mind.
How does this Denuvo DLC DRM solution work?
Denuvo is pretty much the industry leader when it comes to DRM; you can see its work in games like Dying Light 2 and Monster Hunter Rise, and it's also the maker of anti-cheat and anti-tamper systems that can be integrated directly into Steamworks and other platforms. Now, Denuvo is turning its eye to DLC. In a press release, the company says that by using "public and easily accessible tools", players can easily circumvent the requirement to pay for DLC, acquiring the content for free. That's what SecureDLC is intended to combat, according to Denuvo.

According to Denuvo, the implementation for its new SecureDLC protocol is "small and simple". It involves injecting a SecureDLC API mechanism into your game's code, with that API mechanism subsequently revalidating the platform API. In layman's terms, if a DLC pack comes with Denuvo's SecureDLC technology, then it will block access to pirates if it detects that they've acquired the DLC without paying for it. Denuvo says the new SecureDLC tech can be used by anyone who's already using Denuvo anti-tamper protocols in their games, as well as any free-to-play developer who wants to protect their revenue.
Denuvo, and DRM in general, is controversial in the gaming industry
It's fair to say that Denuvo's name has garnered no small amount of controversy amongst gamers. Developers of games such as Tekken have suggested that Denuvo technology is behind performance dips in their games. In addition, studios like Amplitude and Respawn have removed Denuvo DRM from their games after performance complaints. It's not just Denuvo, either; other brands of DRM have hit games like Raji: An Ancient Epic, the developers of which removed its DRM after the protocol caused "unacceptable" performance issues. DRM is also the subject of some consternation due to its potential impact on game preservation.

We'll have to wait and see which games start using this new Denuvo DLC DRM service, but one thing's for sure: it's going to prove controversial among players, especially if Denuvo's current reputation and recent track record are anything to go by. Still, expect to start seeing the Denuvo logo popping up a lot more in free-to-play games with DLC. We'll bring you more on this as soon as we get it.