All Articles about DRM

Three cartoon characters smiling down at their devices in an ad for Denuvo

New Denuvo Discord Temporarily Suspended After Deluge of Hate Messages

Denuvo moderators have had to temporarily suspend a recently-opened Discord server created to answer community questions, and I'm pretty sure you can guess the reason for that suspension. A couple…

October 17, 2024 | 10:36 EDT

Two students looking on as magical creatures frolic in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Will Have Denuvo; PC Specs Revealed

The Hogwarts Legacy PC specs have been announced, and as you'd expect, you're going to need a fairly beefy rig if you want to run this game on Ultra settings in 4K. In addition, it's been confirmed…

January 13, 2023 | 09:50 EST

The Postal Dude holding a remote control and looking at the Postal 3 title screen

Postal 3 Delisted On Steam Due To DRM Problems

Unless you're a huge Postal fan, you might be pretty ambivalent about whether you want to see Postal 3 delisted from Steam, given its bad reputation. Still, that's exactly what's happened;…

November 21, 2022 | 10:53 EST

A Nintendo Switch with the screen dimmed and the Denuvo logo over the top, meant to represent the new Denuvo Switch DRM

(Updated) Denuvo Switch DRM Will Block Legal Emulation

Update: Denuvo replied to our request for comment with what can only be described as complete apathy towards legal emulation. We asked them what would happen if a user wanted to buy a Switch game and…

August 24, 2022 | 10:45 EDT

A series of games with DLC available and the Denuvo logo overlaid on them

Denuvo DLC DRM SecureDLC Wants To End DLC Piracy

If you know your DRM, then you've almost certainly been clamoring for Denuvo DLC DRM, right? Right? Well, your prayers have been answered. SecureDLC is the industry's first DLC DRM solution, and it's…

June 30, 2022 | 11:34 EDT

Several Xbox gaming icons alongside two Xbox Series consoles, both of which won't be able to play the icons' games offline because of Xbox DRM

Understanding The Online Xbox DRM That Disrupted Gaming

On May 6, Xbox tweeted that some users were struggling to access their Xbox games and content. This issue persisted throughout that weekend; several times, Microsoft announced that the problem was…

June 1, 2022 | 11:58 EDT

The top of an Xbox Series X console

(Updated) Microsoft Server Outages Prevent Gamers Accessing Their Games

Update May 5th 12:51: Xbox has acknowledged that the server outage problem is not completely fixed. In a tweet, the Xbox support team says it has seen "significant improvement" to the server issues,…

May 9, 2022 | 11:01 EDT

Dying Light 2 Denuvo DRM cover

Reveal of Dying Light 2 Denuvo DRM Angers Fans

The reveal of Dying Light 2 Denuvo DRM less than a week before the game's launch has upset some gamers, resulting in a torrent of complaints on social media. Dying Light 2 is launching in…

February 1, 2022 | 03:41 EST

Tron: Evolution Header.

Due to SecuROM, Tron: Evolution's Steam Version Won't Launch For Users

Recently, there have been a growing number of complaints from PC owners of Tron: Evolution, a game that was once available on the Steam store but has since been removed. That doesn't mean that people…

December 3, 2019 | 02:45 EST

diablo hellfire header
Deal Articles

GOG Re-Releases Diablo: Hellfire Expansion, Adds Bethesda to Summer Sale

Today, GOG.COM has re-released Synergistic Software's Diablo: Hellfire expansion to Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo. It comes free for current owners of the title, and the Diablo and Diablo: Hellfire…

June 5, 2019 | 05:09 EDT

final fantasy x andx-2 yuna and tidus

Latest Update to Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster on Steam Adds Online Requirement

Update: A new update from Square Enix has resolved the issue. Original Story continues below It's rare that you see an online requirement being added to a product several years after release, but a…

March 26, 2019 | 01:15 EDT

fck drm gog

GOG Says FCK DRM With New Anti-DRM Initiative

The folks over at GOG are on a righteous crusade. Their new initiative, FCK DRM, aims to educate consumers about the DRM (digital rights management) that's often baked into the media they consume, as…

August 24, 2018 | 10:05 EDT


Arc System Works Bans Streaming Episode Mode of BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle

Arc System Works announced its official guidelines for streaming BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle and many streamers aren’t happy with the restrictions. The guidelines allow for plenty of versus, open play…

June 5, 2018 | 11:55 EDT


Sony Files Patent For Blockchain-Based DRM On PlayStation Games

Sony has filed a patent which proposes the use of blockchain technology as a way to supplement or replace DRM (digital rights management) in games and other media. Right now, DRM on PS4 games is…

May 4, 2018 | 10:15 EDT

tekken 7 denuvo

Tekken Director Says Denuvo Behind Recent Performance Issues On PC

In an almost unprecedented move, Katsuhiro Harada, the longtime producer and director of the Tekken series, has posted some messages on Twitter addressing recent performance issues that have popped…

April 14, 2018 | 06:04 EDT


Denuvo Acquired By Global Digital Security Firm Irdeto

The infamous anti-piracy and anti-cheat company Denuvo has been purchased by Irdeto. Irdeto is a Dutch company that provides similar security software for a variety of spheres, including “media…

January 23, 2018 | 09:34 EST

Lost Planet 2 Games for Windows Live

Games For Windows Live Rises From Its Grave to Haunt Lost Planet 2

Games for Windows Live has been officially dead for more than three years with, with support for Microsoft's first attempt at a PC gaming platform ending in July of 2014. Many games that once used…

August 8, 2017 | 01:19 EDT

mass effect andromeda logo

Bioware Removes Denuvo DRM from Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda received patch 1.09 recently, which brought about a bunch of fixes to the game and continued to improve the game's facial animations. Bioware failed to mention that the Denuvo…

July 8, 2017 | 08:26 EDT


Anti-Piracy Software Giant Denuvo Accused Of Using Pirated Software

According to a post on Russian forum RSDN, Denuvo - creators of one of the currently most prolific anti-piracy software in video gaming - have been illegally using someone else's software in their…

June 5, 2017 | 04:10 EDT

SCreenshot from 2Dark showing several pixel-based character walking around a grubby house from a top-down perspective.

2Dark Removes Denuvo DRM From Their Game

The indie stealth adventure game 2Dark has removed the Denuvo DRM from their game following a deluge of complaints according to a statement from publisher Bigben Interactive released on the game's…

April 19, 2017 | 06:15 EDT

Denuvo Logo

Denuvo's Latest Version has been Cracked

The newest version of the controversial one-stop Digital Rights Management solution Denuvo has already been cracked by crackers. The game using this version of Denuvo is 2Dark, a stealth-adventure…

April 14, 2017 | 02:05 EDT


Denuvo Website Accidentally Leaked Sensitive Information

Anti-piracy solution Denuvo was, until recently, a very viable option to bar pirates from playing illegally downloaded games. After it was first used in 2014, reports came out stating that the…

February 6, 2017 | 05:00 EST

inside game 3

Playdead Removes Denuvo DRM From Inside

Digital Rights Managment (DRM) is a contentious subject around games, and of the current DRM solutions commonly used, perhaps none is more so than Denuvo's "anti-tamper" technology. The lack of…

November 23, 2016 | 10:30 EST

Engine Shot in Forza Horizon 3

Understanding Forza Horizon 3's Encryption with Atari1337

We recently reported on the fact that the encryption on Forza Horizon 3 and Halo 5: Forge on PC had their DRM decrypted very quickly. However, the whole situation, along with reports of bad…

October 4, 2016 | 10:41 EDT

Forza Horizon Feature

[Updated]Halo 5: Forge and Forza Horizon 3 PC Encryption Cracked

Update: If you want to learn more about this situation, we had a talk with Atari1337 who did some of the decryption, using a tool created by Infogram who made the tool to decrypt Halo 5: Forge. There…

October 1, 2016 | 11:50 EDT

EFF logo

EFF Petitions FTC For Fair DRM Labeling

The Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) has petitioned the FTC to introduce labeling rules which would require retailers to warn consumers if products sold on their platforms contain DRM. DRM can be…

August 9, 2016 | 04:07 EDT

EFF logo

Librarian of Congress Allows DRM Circumvention to Preserve Old Video Games, Modify Vehicles and More

In response to draconian laws that forbid DRM circumvention, the EFF petitioned the Librarian of Congress to allow certain exemptions for fair use and non copyright infringing purposes. The Librarian…

October 27, 2015 | 10:24 EDT

EFF logo

Trans-Pacific Partnership Reaches Final Agreement, but the Fight Against It Isn't Over

Trade officials representing the twelve countries in the Trans-Pacific Partnership have reached a final agreement. However, these negotiations were merely the first step in the process. Now the…

October 5, 2015 | 10:35 EDT

Windows 10 Logo

DRM Strikes Again: Windows 10 won't run SafeDisc and Some Securom Versions

Based on a translation of a German interview first done by Rock Paper Shotgun, it seems that DRM has struck again with stopping legitimate copies of games being played, but this time around it's…

August 17, 2015 | 11:57 EDT

Dark Void Game

[Update]Selling Games That Don't Work: Capcom's Dark Void Unplayable

Update #2: After being in contact with a Capcom PR representative, and making them aware of the situation, I've been informed today that an issue regarding securROM's end has been taken care of, and…

May 17, 2015 | 07:11 EDT

GOG News

GOG Announces New DRM-Free Reclamation Service

PC Gamers and Digital Rights Management, more commonly known as DRM, have rarely gotten along. Often touted as an anti-piracy measure, most gamers recall the horror stories of DRM breaking game…

April 3, 2015 | 09:28 EDT

Assassins's Creed: Unity glitch

IMO: Lesson of 2014: Do not Pre-Order!

And so, the year of 2014 has come to pass. Happy New Year to all you lovely readers! Did any of you make any New Year's resolutions? I did. " I shall never again pre-order a game. Ever." As far as I…

January 7, 2015 | 09:00 EST


4 Of The Most Fantastic DRM Flops In Recent History

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a subject that is often glossed over in what some would call the "mainstream gaming media". In order to protect games, publishers employ some method of encryption…

October 28, 2014 | 01:00 EDT