Dark Age of Camelot, one of the longest-running MMORPGs at 16 years and counting, will finally be offering a free-to-play option in fall of next year as reported by MMO Games.
First launched in 2001, Dark Age of Camelot is a fantasy MMORPG. Granted, there's a lot of those kinds of games today, but DaoC was one of the first to stick around for a good amount of time (especially after the release of World of Warcraft a few years later). The game has a 14-day free trial available, but that's all going to change at the end of next year with the introduction of Dark Age of Camelot: Endless Conquest.
In Endless Conquest, players will be able to play the game for free with a number of limitations on their account. Bear in mind that this version is still in development and this list may change in the coming months. Here's the list of limitations that free-to-play gamers will contend with in Dark Age of Camelot: Endless Conquest:
- 1 character slot
- 4 classes available in each realm (not spec-buffing classes).
- Will be unable to use the /rp off and /xp off commands.
- Experience, bounty point, coin, and realm point gain will be significantly reduced and/or throttled compared to normal accounts.
- Will be limited to a maximum Realm Rank of 3L9.
- Cannot learn tradeskills
- Can only trade player-crafted items.
- Purchasable access to the personal vault or /bank.
- Cannot place a house or be given permission to use a friend's house
If you don't want to wait and you'd like to hop into the game right now, you can check out a 14-day free trial here. The subscription for the game is $14.95 a month after that. Dark Age of Camelot: Endless Conquest is estimated to arrive in Fall of 2018.
What do you think of Dark Age of Camelot offering a free-to-play option 16 years after its initial release? What do you think of the way the system is set up? Let us know in the comments below!