The Callisto Protocol is an upcoming survival-horror game where players take on the life of Jacob Lee, an inmate that is trapped within the walls of the Black Iron Prison. This maximum security penitentiary is located on the wasteland that is Jupiter's dark moon, and when a violent outbreak of bloodthirsty creatures causes the entire prison to launch itself into chaos, players must use their wit and strategic moves in order to escape the prison with their lives.
Players will discover unsettling and dark secrets within the bounds of the most unforgiving and punishing terrain they have ever known. Using a blend of both shooting down enemies from a distance and hand-to-hand melee combat, players will scavenge the lands to unlock new weapons, abilities, and gear in order to survive the flesh-hungry mongrels nipping at their heels.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is The Callisto Protocol being released?
The Callisto Protocol will be released on December 2, 2022.
What platforms will The Callisto Protocol be available on?
It will release on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows.
How is The Callisto Protocol connected to PUBG?
The game was originally a part of the PUBG timeline but has since evolved into its own world, breaking ties with PUBG completely. The game no longer takes place in the PUBG universe whatsoever.
Will The Callisto Protocol Have Co Op?
No, The Callisto Protocol is not a co-op game, and will not feature any multiplayer components at this time.
Is The Callisto Protocol on Steam?
Yes, The Callisto Protocol will be available for purchase on Steam once it has been released.
Who made The Callisto Protocol?
The Callisto protocol was developed by Striking Distance Studios and is being published by Krafton Inc.