Skeleton Crew
The world of Karpathia is a dark place where monsters have slaughtered mankind, but thankfully the Yeomen Eldritch Extermination Team (Y.E.E.T!) is out to protect humanity in Skeleton Crew! A four-…
September 6, 2020 | 01:24 EDT
The world of Karpathia is a dark place where monsters have slaughtered mankind, but thankfully the Yeomen Eldritch Extermination Team (Y.E.E.T!) is out to protect humanity in Skeleton Crew! A four-…
September 6, 2020 | 01:24 EDT
During the collection of new indie 2D titles introduced by Kevin Smith Skeleton Crew was announced as coming soon. This game is being developed by Cinder Cone and published by Modern Wolf. Skeleton…
June 14, 2020 | 02:35 EDT