Hey, I'm Will Q.

Will Quick

Staff Writer

About Will Quick

Will is a Freelance Writer at TechRaptor and recently got into the world of video game journalism in 2020. Since then, he's been spending his spare time learning, researching upcoming titles, and interviewing indie developers. 

He's always had a fondness for games and went to Dublin to study Game Design at Pulse College. Though he got to work in every part of production and business, Will focused mainly on design, writing, art, and animation. Since then, he has continued to pursue gaming casually and professionally.

Aside from gaming for fun and work, he practices video editing and graphic design while also trying to do one comic or doodle per day. He tries to use his writing to highlight games that may not have as much marketing as they'd like. 

Will is a curious guy who's always open to trying new things, whether they scare him or not, and that includes sweaty-palm-inducing horror games. He's always happy to take on new writing tasks and formats especially if it means working with other creative folks. When he's not sitting at his desk, Will can be found exploring outside or trying to learn new recipes. If he's gaming, make sure he takes a break after his 20th defeat

Articles by Will Quick

Total Articles: 140

Blood puddles and bolts.

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun Brings Old-School Gore To The Scene

Warhammer 40,000 is set in the super far future so it isn't really seen as retro. Still, Auroch Digital is making it so with a gory FPS called Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun. The future of gaming's past is here.

June 1, 2022 | 04:23 EDT

A rogue meeting room.

Warhammer Reveals A New RPG In Rogue Trader

Warhammer has covered a lot of different types of gaming but has never really done a classic RPG. However, the team at Owlcat Games seeks to fix this with their upcoming title, Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader which is available for preorder.

June 1, 2022 | 04:12 EDT

The Rejects prepare to fight.

Fatshark Has Officially Announced A Release Date For Darktide

During the 2022 Warhammer Skulls Showcase, the game Warhammer 40,000: Darktide finally received a release date. Warhammer fans can expect to play the co-op shooter sooner than they think.

June 1, 2022 | 02:31 EDT

Crypto descending!

Crude Crypto Goes Global In Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed

Destroy All Humans puts you in the shoes of an alien invasion being carried out by the cloned soldier Cryptosporidium. The upcoming Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed, revitalizes Crypto's continued quest for world dominance.

May 31, 2022 | 11:00 EDT

Dune Spice Wars

Dune: Spice Wars Is the Pinnacle of the Dune RTS Legacy

Dune and the games it inspired gave birth to what we now know as the RTS genre. Now, Dune: Spice Wars stands as the best of representation of that legacy.

May 17, 2022 | 12:00 EDT

The river calls...

Loot River Review

When you're dealing with just trying to stay alive and avoid being overwhelmed by enemies, puzzles are the last thing on your mind. However, they stay at the front of your thoughts in Loot River as you fight enemies on sliding block ruins.

May 4, 2022 | 09:00 EDT

Flying through space...

Trigon: Space Story Review

Though flying through space is many a fantasy, there are many difficulties that come with maintaining a ship to make the journey. That's what you'll be doing in Trigon: Space Story while making your own way with a ragtag alien crew.

May 2, 2022 | 11:30 EDT

dune spice wars preview

Dune: Spice Wars Covers A Lot Of Ground And Asks You Do The Same

Dune is a complex sci-fi universe that creators struggle to paint accurately. However, Dune: Spice Wars takes a good shot at creating an experience about creating a network to harvest spice and seize power across the stars.

April 26, 2022 | 10:00 EDT

Lilas Sky Ark Review

Lila's Sky Ark Review

There are many games that explore living in the sky in various ways. Lila's Sky Ark has equal parts wonder and danger as you explore the floating isles. Pick up whatever you can for yourself and as your main means of defense.

April 21, 2022 | 12:05 EDT

Break through the game!

tERRORbane Review

Sometimes glitches are hidden well and other times you can't miss them. In tERRORbane, many types of bugs are shoved right in your face and it's your job to take note of each one. That, and try to save the world while you're at it.

March 31, 2022 | 11:30 EDT

Title cards!

Superfuse Takes Sacred Gameplay Into The Cyberpunk Future

In many narratives about the future, it appears that those who maintain control are those with the money. The cyberpunk world of Superfuse puts humanity's fate in the hands of CEOs with godly powers. However, when a humanity-destroying threat appears, it's up to you to guide one of their superhuman Enforcers to take care of business.

March 31, 2022 | 10:00 EDT

Tinkering with the world cube!

FixFox Lets You Be A Space Mechanic Fur Sure

Animals are adapted to survive so you could see why humans would want to splice themselves with them. With the extra layer of fur, a human-fox named Vix can be a SPACR and travel to different planets to fix things. This is FixFox, giving you a chance to be a space-faring mechanic.

March 3, 2022 | 12:00 EST

Dimensional crossroads.

What Lies In The Multiverse Review

We can only wonder if there are other universes out there and how many there are... What Lies In The Multiverse is a cartoon adventure with a heart that crosses various dimensions in a story about order and chaos. Jump and puzzle your way through to your reality.

March 3, 2022 | 10:00 EST

Looking at the playground, Dying Light 2's Side Quests

Dying Light 2's Side Quests Are Easily Forgettable

Dying Light's sequel introduces a newer and larger city for more parkour fun. With more space comes more missions to complete, and some of Dying Light 2's Side Quests are lackluster.

February 15, 2022 | 12:00 EST

The filled Wharf.

Dying Light 2 The Wharf Collectibles Guide

The Wharf is one of the many areas of Dying Light 2. It's full of story missions, side-quests, and collectibles. These are the collectible locations and how to get them.

February 9, 2022 | 06:55 EST

Heavy swing!

Decisions In Dying Light 2 Make No Difference

From the concise story of the first Dying Light comes the more intriguing and dynamic story of Dying Light 2. But just how dynamic is it?

February 7, 2022 | 11:00 EST

It's out the window.

Bad Timing: The Dying Light 2 Immunity Mechanic Is Pointless

Techland added a lot of good things to Dying Light 2, but the Immunity meter during nighttime exploration isn't one of them.

February 4, 2022 | 12:00 EST

Mina appears!

Yacht Club Games' Mina The Hollower Smashes Funding Goal On Day One

From Yacht Club Games came Shovel Knight and many games bearing his name. Even though Shovel Knight Dig is on the way, the LA-based indie studio has already started campaigning for their new idea, Mina The Hollower.

February 2, 2022 | 01:33 EST

Firing cards, Heck Deck Header photo with a cute little ghost next two three different colored cards.

Building A Deck In Bullet-Hell: How Heck Deck Did It

Heck Deck combines the slow pace of card games with the chaos of bullet hells. To understand the process behind the vision, we spoke with developer Torcado.

January 28, 2022 | 12:00 EST

Looking out on adventure!

Reverie Knights Tactics Review

There's a vast world where the goblin folks have risen up to take over by force. They're quickly spreading and no place feels safe unless you decide to make it so. Lead a group of scholars and soldiers to discover what's happening and bring peace!

January 25, 2022 | 10:00 EST

The world's your golf course.

RPGolf Legends Review

Golf is a sport that requires a lot of intense focus and precision which can easily be interrupted by the smallest distraction. In a world filled with monsters, trying to play golf can seem impossible but that's not the case in RPGolf Legends. Do your best to balance playing the holes with monster-slaying and you just might save the world!

January 20, 2022 | 10:00 EST

The eye has it...

An Outcry Review

When the night comes, many things emerge from various nooks and crannies. This includes otherworldly sounds and snarky birds looking to torment anyone unlucky enough to be up and about. This is the fate of the protagonist in An Outcry, but you'll have to seal it yourself.

January 5, 2022 | 10:00 EST

Bright clothing in the dark.

Scarf Review

Clothing plays a big part in games from giving characters unique looks to imbuing them with powers. Scarf by Uprising Studios aims to do both with their artsy emotional adventure through mysterious worlds.

December 20, 2021 | 10:00 EST

The hut in the woods.

Blacktail Shows Off Witchcraft Origins

There are a lot of stories about magic and witches such as those surrounding the mysterious Baba Yaga. Learn her history in Blacktail

December 7, 2021 | 12:00 EST