Mighty Lords, the miniatures Kickstarter from the UK based development company Room 17, is currently in its last week on Kickstarter. It's already surpassed its funding goal of £10,000 and the company is making a final push for the last few stretch goals.
Room 17 games have already had successful Kickstarters with their Museum Rush and Miremarsh boardgames.
Mighty Lords is a collection of 35mm heroic scale miniatures. There are 4 different factions available, 1 having been unlocked with stretch goals. Gamers can choose from Murk Marauders, Guardians of Fire, Masters of Mayhem or the Legions of Light. Each faction has several miniatures available.
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The quality of the miniatures looks superb and the detail should make them a joy to paint for hobbyists.
Mighty Lords as a fantasy range includes demons, barbarians, plate wearing paladins, ogres, the newly unlocked, Sisters of Sin and The Mighty Apush miniature, which stans over 80mm tall. All of the miniatures can be used in your fantasy skirmish and wargames, and with the growing popularity of systems that don't come with their own range of miniatures, ranges like this fill those gaps perfectly.
Mighty Lords currently has three stretch goals left in its campaign, and Room 17 are pushing for the unlocking of their final stretch goal, a huge dragon that will be included free in the All In Pledge.
The Mighty Lords' All In Pledge currently includes 36 miniatures, with the Ghoul of Persia, Scenic Bases and the Dragon still available to be unlocked.
We'll be covering more of Mighty Lords when they go into production and we're looking forward to getting our hands on them to paint.
You can back it here, or check out Room 17's other projects on their site.
Have you backed this project? What system would you use the miniatures for? Which Mighty Lords faction is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.