Witcher 3 GOTY

Witcher 3 Game of the Year Edition Officially Announced

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Published: July 7, 2016 9:30 AM

In case you were one of the few who missed out on last years The Witcher 3, fear not for CD Projekt Red has said that a Game of the Year Edition will be released later this year.

In a recent article from Eurogamer, the initial source came from the German age ratings board (USK), which listed an entry for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition. After contacting CD Projekt Red, game director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz went on to confirm the rumor, stating that the title was in development. 

With all the free DLC and updates the game received so far, including significant changes to the game's interface and mechanics, many gamers have asked us if we're working on some sort of a Game of the Year Edition. I'm happy to confirm - yes, plans are in motion to release such an edition." - Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, Eurogamer

While Konrad said that he will be releasing more details a little later, Eurogamer has been told from an unknown source that the game will be released August 26th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. While the details regarding special preorder editions are still unknown, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition is presumed to include all the free DLC, updates, and expansions. 

In other related news, this year at CD Projekt Red has announced a standalone release for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. Released initially as a mini-game within The Witcher 3, the title is slated for release on Xbox One and Windows 10. While no news as of yet in regards to a smartphone or PlayStation 4 version, registrations are currently up to those wishing to participate in the upcoming Beta.  

What are your thoughts on The Witcher 3 Game of the Year Edition? Have you played The Witcher 3 before? Would you still be interested in picking this up? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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Super famous games journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. When not writing for TechRaptor, Jason is also covering material for Digital Fox.… More about Jason

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
CD Projekt Red
CD Projekt
Release Date
May 18, 2015 (Calendar)
Open World, RPG
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