Another day, another big YouTuber has been seemingly hacked.
The AngryJoeShow, one of the biggest Youtube reviewers out there (with them just shy of 2.5 million subscribers), looks like they've been hacked or had their channel messed with. Around Noon of today, a video titled "@Keemstar Raped his daughter" appeared on the channel, and let's just say it was different then Mr. Vargas's normal content. As opposed to funny skits and game commentary, they video has a moon man , and talked about various racist topics. The video was taken down, but I was able to grab a copy of the video before it went down. I won't be rehosting the video for obvious reasons, but a screenshot is shown below of exactly what the imagery of the video had.
The person who's twitter account is mentioned in annotations and the title of the video is Keemstar, who's known for running the DramaAlert channel. Given his controversial nature in the Youtube community at times, and his coverage of prominent Youtuber's being hacked, it seems that the hacker in question may have done it to get his attention, or to get the controversy train going again. The video was at approximately 25k views before it was taken down (at least a rough estimate).
But that's not the only thing. Their twitch is no longer visible at the moment at the time of writing this article as well. If you go to the page in question, you get the following message: "The page could not be found, or has been deleted by its owner." The last message from the AngryJoe twitter seems to be indicated that Derelith, one of the employees of the show, was livestreaming the division in the dark zone area. This happened about 10-15 minutes before the hack in question, so whether or not the live streaming had anything to do with it is unknown at this time. His twitter seems to be unaffected at this point, and no one is yet claiming responsibility. Joe has been made aware of the incident at this time: There's still details of the incident that are unknown at this time. As TechRaptor gets answers, we'll update the article with more information.
In what is a weird turn of events, one of the fellow TR members noted a response to the TR article on that seemingly came from the hacker himself. So, I talked to him. Let's just say that it's been a weird day. He had posted proof of being in control of the account in question, which I don't want to link it here as it has sensitive information related to Mr. Vargas. There are several indicators that he has given me that seem to have given an extra confirmation that he is indeed behind this. He's provided proof that he's done this before as well.
His Twitter is @legitimitely, and he indicated that the attack originated from Angry Joe's forum, indicating that he gained access to Joe's email through the forums at that point, which allowed him to reset his Twitch. He indicated the attack took five minutes and used personal exploits, and wasn't a basic attack of any sort. Regardless, he got access at that point. AngryJoe himself wasn't a target in particular, as it was indicated by the hacker that he knew nothing of him until he hacked the forum. The Twitch broadcast was then uploaded to YouTube, but the YouTube element stayed untouched. The Derelith live stream that happened at the time had nothing to do with it, with it being dissimilar to the Scott M. situation with a Twitch key being shown.
He had replaced the PayPal email for the tip button, however no one made a tip during the time he had control. He said specifically that he'd refund in that case. At this time, until Joe is fully in control of his channel, we'd advise not to donate if you're looking to donate to the Angry Joe Show.
Levitatings indicated that the video in question was used because he found it truly offensive and funny. The Keemstar reference was made "just to piss off Keemstar", and that he's hacking for the banter that is created. He has been affiliated with a hacking group in the past, but he is not with them at this time. He wanted to get away from the past, and the new avatar account is getting away from that. At this time, he does not have access to the email in question. He asked me to make a reference to @FazeJev, but due to the nature of the request, I can't post what he asked me to put down.