During Ubisoft's press conference they brought in The Crew 2, the sequel to the popular open world racing/RPG hybrid.
The trailer showed various settings being raced in, and the use of airplanes and speedboats, both of which are all new vehicle. Professional races are shown off, and various clips of a man accepting awards and posting to YouTube. There were also exciting police chases, and motocycles shown off as well, before the main character is declared "the king of all motosports".
After the trailer we had Stephane Beley, the game's creative director, take the stage to talk about the game, calling it the home of auto racing. Then gameplay started, showing a car flying through the city streets and doing donuts in parking lots. It then switched to some off roading, showing off some forests and both buggies and motocycles that could be played. Next up was showing off boats, being used both in a river in the middle of nowhere to a bay right outside of a major city. Next was airplanes, flying between city buildings and as close to eachother as possible without crashing all while leaving smoke trails.
After the press conference a press e-mail confirms that The Crew 2 will once again contain all of America, albeit redesigned from the first game's version. There will be four groups of racers: street racers, professional racers, off-roaders, and freestylers. You can visit the HQ of each group and earn vehicles made for each of the four types of races, while also honing your personal style.
The Crew 2 will be coming out in early 2018 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can sign up for the game's beta access right now on the game's website.
If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2017 Coverage Hub.