
Super Mario Maker 2 Secrets On Japanese Nintendo Page Uncovered By Fans

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Published: May 16, 2019 8:08 PM

Yesterday Nintendo had the Super Mario Maker 2 Direct, and it showed a barrage of features that we could barely keep up with. There are so many new features and elements coming to this sequel, and yet fans were thirsting to learn more about it. As usual, fans flocked to Reddit, and one of these fans managed to find some secret information on the Japanese Nintendo page of the game, uncovering secrets that weren't shown in the presentation.

Reddit user u/kurobake wrote a comprehensive and nicely organized post sharing his many findings. First of all, there's an unlisted YouTube video that you can see below, showing the very basics of course creation with many common features in action. Some of these features include different colored pipe options indicating variable speeds, which will allow you to control the speed of whatever pops out of the pipes.

You can also see in some screenshots of some of the themes for the basic styles of Super Mario Maker 2: desert, snow, forest, and castle. Another unlisted video shows the mechanics of an enemy called the Bully:

A long scroll of screenshots shows many themes and tilesets, as well as the Mega Mushroom. In another unlisted video, you can listen to some of the audio for the presentation without the voiceover. During a segment of the 3D World, it plays a track from Mario Kart.

Another video shows Mario going through the ghost house in 3D World as the Super Mario Bros. 3 ghost house music plays, and in another video of the underground in 3D World you get Super Mario Bros. 3 underground music. Some Reddit users noted a category designed as a disc, so it's possible there will be more music customization for your courses.

You can see more in the Reddit post, and if you missed it you can check out our roundup of all the new features they showed yesterday.

What do you think of these secrets and music track? Is it the kind of detail you missed yesterday? Let us know in the comments below!

Richard Costa
| Staff Writer

Hack for hire, indentured egghead, maverick thoughtcriminal. Mainly interested in Western RPGs, first-person immersion, turn-based tactics, point-and-… More about Richard

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Super Mario Maker 2
Nintendo Switch
Release Date
June 28, 2019 (Calendar)