stardew valley separate money

Stardew Valley Separate Money Feature and New Map Teased by Developer

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Published: April 29, 2019 6:06 PM

Stardew Valley Separate Money feature has been teased on the developer's official Twitter account. ConcernedApe took to Twitter to share a screenshot (seen above) which highlights this new feature along with some other neat extras like a brand-new map! This is just another series of hints about what's to come for Stardew Valley Patch 1.4.

One of the highlights noted in today's tweet is the announcement of a Stardew Valley Separate Money feature. Currently, players in a multiplayer game use money from a shared pool. This new feature would make it so that each player had their own separate accounts so that they don't have to worry about someone else in their game zeroing out their wallet. This feature can be activated or deactivated by visiting the mayor.

"If you have an existing multiplayer farm, money will remain shared, but you can go to the Mayor's house to separate (or re-join) the money at any time," Stardew Valley developer ConcernedApe said in a follow-up tweet. "If you separate it, the current funds will be split evenly among the players. For new farms you can set the option at start[.]"

Aside from the Separate Money feature, we got our first look at the brand-new Four Corners map. "There is one shared cave, shared community center, mines, etc.," ConcernedApe said in another tweet. "You're still working together to achieve common goals, it's just a little more independent (which leads to some interesting gameplay)[.]"

The Separate Money feature is just one more cool thing that's coming in the Stardew Valley 1.4 patch. PC gamers can get Stardew Valley on PC via Steamthe Humble Store, or DRM-free on GOG for $14.99 or your regional equivalent. If you're on a console, you can get it for the Nintendo SwitchXbox One, or PlayStation 4 at their respective storefronts. Lastly, mobile gamers can get it for Android at the Play Store and iOS at iTunes.

Disclosure: TechRaptor participates in an affiliate-linking program that iTunes is a part of, and Humble Bundle & GOG work with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership. TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from links in this article. In addition, GOG provides a monthly giveaway to our Pack Hunter members.

What do you think of the Stardew Valley Separate Money feature? Will you be giving the new Four Corners map a whirl? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Release Date
February 26, 2016 (Calendar)
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