Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 660x330

Rebellion announces Nazi Zombie Trilogy for PS4, Xbox One and PC

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Published: January 11, 2015 3:14 PM


UK publisher/developer Rebellion has announced that it would be releasing its cult Sniper Elite spin-off hit Nazi Zombie Army (which includes the heretofore-unreleased third installment) on PS4, Xbox One and PC early this year. The game will be released as a trilogy package, including 15 missions across 3 huge campaigns, a horde mode with 2-4 player co-op, and oodles and oodles of weapons, letting you slaughter your way through demon-infested World War II Nazi Germany in whatever way you see fit.

The game will be self-published by Rebellion on PSN XBLA and Steam (and is available for pre-order right now from the Rebellion Gamestore for PC aficionados). A retail disc-based copy will also be made available for those who (like me) take pride in showing off their library of interactive entertainment.

This collection has no shortage of content, and showcases the x-ray Kill Cam (not unlike Netherrealm’s 2011 reboot of the Mortal Kombat franchise) - showing shrapnel tearing up rotting cartilage, bones cracking and tendons snapping - in glorious full high-definition 1080P. Not for the timid, this series features plenty of gruesome, gratuitous violence across all three games, and might turn your stomach... if you don’t have a buddy or three with whom to mow down the waves of undead.

But luckily, that’s why this series became a cult hit overnight: the horde mode and the entire campaign across all three games features 2-4 player co-op to keep you and your buddies glued to your televisions for quite some time. The horde mode features 5 massive maps and more than 25 weapons and traps, ensuring that there’s no shortage of variety when mowing down the undead hordes of Hitler. Zombie soldiers and snipers, fire demons, chainsaw-wielding elite devils, armored skeletons and lots more are just itching to turn you into jerky, so be sure to do your best to make them dead. Again.

For those who are console-based, be advised that this trilogy will only be available for PS4 and Xbox One. If you haven’t yet, it might be time to take sides in the console war (or just sit back and wait patiently if you’re lucky enough to have both consoles) if you’re looking for a single player or co-op experience that might just turn your head. If you’re a PC fanperson, then you might have already been exposed to this franchise... and if you have, Rebellion will thank you for it. Anybody who has downloaded the previous two titles will receive a discount on the trilogy once it hits store shelves and download queues.

Release date and pricing is unknown at this time, but considering the wealth of content included in this definitive package, I think it’s safe to say you’ll find a decent bang for your gaming buck. This applies particularly to those who (like the rest of us) have been looking for a truly solid cooperative experience on console.

I feel compelled to make a Crypt Keeper-esque ghoul pun here, but let’s just keep it short and sweet: it’s a good time to be a zombie hunter.

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Adrian is a nerd and a Taco Bell connoisseur. He likes to listen to Rush, read books, play games, and generally enjoy life. He does so while living in… More about Adrian