It's the time on the month where Sony announces the games being added to the PlayStation Plus Collection. As usual, there are six games being added, and as usual, it's a two-game each split for the PlayStation 3, 4, and Vita. It's yet another diverse selection of games varying from twin stick shooters and SHMUPS, to tower defense and first-person horror.
On the PlayStation 4 end of things the first game you'll be getting is Dead Star. That shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone considering the refunds that were handed out for pre-ordering it earlier in March. As mentioned in that article, the game is a multiplayer competitive twin stick shooter that has players building space ships to escape from a dying star. The second PlayStation 4 game is Zombi, an updated rerelease of Wii U launch title ZombiU. This first-person horror survival game sees you roaming around London trying to survive against the zombified horrors.
On the PlayStation 3 side of things you'll be getting another post-apocalyptic survival game, this time in the form of third-person survival game I Am Alive. Similar to Dead Star this shouldn't come as much of a surprise considering it was accidentally offered as a PlayStation Plus game for a single day in March when it was supposed to be this month. The second game offered is Sony's initial entry to the tower defense genre: Savage Moon. In this game, you have to fend off waves of bug aliens, that look like they stepped right out of Starship Troopers, by placing towers strategically and keeping them upgraded.
Last but not least is the PlayStation Vita which is getting two games of its own. First up is A Virus Named Tom, a puzzle game where you have to connect tubes to create passages for your virus while avoiding anti-viruses. The other game offered is Shutshimi, a strange SHMUP where you play as a fish out of water who gets to try out a ton of quirky power-ups. You can read our review of Shutshimi if you want to know more about that one. It should be noted that Shutshimi does have a PlayStation 4 version as well, but there's no word on if you can grab either version. Last month offered the PlayStation Vita version of Flame Over but not the PlayStation 4 version.
The games will be available starting April 5th for all PS+ owners. This is your last chance to grab the current line-up of PlayStation Plus games, which include Broforce and Galak-Z: The Dimensional for the PlayStation 4, The Last Guy and Super Stardust HD for the PlayStation 3, and Flame Over and Reality Fighters for the PlayStation Vita.
How do you feel about this batch of games? Want more AAA titles? Okay with it? Going to quit PlayStation Plus forever? Let us know in the comments!