overwatch hero 31 delayed

Overwatch Developer Update Announces Delay in Hero 31, Summer Games Coming Sooner, and More

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Published: July 11, 2019 8:16 PM

The newest Overwatch developer update has announced a delay in the release with Overwatch's 31st hero and some other changes. You might be sad to see Overwatch Hero 31 delayed, but it's ultimately for the best.

The Developer Update opened with Jeff Kaplan talking about how the schedule for releasing new content has been pretty predictable. Players expect new heroes and new maps at certain times, and it seems that this newest Developer Update is trying to get ahead of any concerns over a delay surrounding Overwatch Hero 31.

Why was Overwatch Hero 31 delayed? Jeff Kaplan says that "he" is going to be awesome, but he's going to be released a little bit later than we're used to. He didn't go into any other specific details on the matter.

It's not all downsides, though! One of the other big announcements is that the Overwatch Summer Games Event is going to be arriving sooner than it has last year. What's more, this year's event is going to have weekly mini events similar to D.Va's Nano Cola Challenge or Baptiste's Reunion Challenge where players will be able to unlock Epic skins.

Another major announcement is an improvement in the game's cheat detection system. Previously, some players have complained about having to deal with a cheater in the match and the relatively slow detection of automatic bans. Now, the new and improved system will shut down a game where a cheater is detected with no SR penalties or anything like that given to anyone. The cheater, of course, is going to be in for a world of hurt.

Lastly, the game's newly-launched subtitles system has seen some improvements. That aside, Papa Jeff has said that there are going to be two more developer updates in the near future that promise to have some exciting new news. You can watch the July 2019 Overwatch Developer Update below.

Are you upset to see Overwatch Hero 31 delayed? What do you think about the Summer Games coming sooner and the other changes? Let us know in the comments below!


A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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May 24, 2016 (Calendar)
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