no man's sky billboard

No Man's Sky Billboard Purchased By Fans as a Thank You to Hello Games

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Published: June 14, 2019 2:20 PM

No Man's Sky billboard has been purchased by diehard fans of the game as a thank you to Hello Games. What's more, the crowdfunding campaign for the billboard has been so wildly successful that they're also tossing in a lunch for the developers and, more importantly, a serious donation to a charitable cause.

First, a bit of background: No Man's Sky had a somewhat rocky launch. I first saw Sean Murray talk about the game in person at the New Yorker's Tech@Fest way back in 2015 and I had serious doubts that they would be able to deliver on what I interpreted to be terribly vague promises. The subsequent release of the game was disappointing for some, especially with the lack of multiplayer and what some perceived to be a somewhat shallow experience.

However, the last few years have seen a sort of redemption story for Hello Games. Despite a neverending torrent of criticism (some of which was arguably well-deserved), Sean Murray and his team have quietly been hammering away at fleshing out the game and bringing it closer and closer to their original vision. The game's community has recognized their efforts and elected to purchase a No Man's Sky billboard, a fact that has been recognized by the big man himself:

As PCGamer reports, the GoFundMe campaign for the No Man's Sky billboard has more than met its original goal of $1,750 to secure a two-week timeslot for a billboard near Hello Games' UK offices. While the majority of the funds are going to be going towards the billboard, a portion is going to be used to buy the dev team a case of beer and lunch.

It should be noted that the billboard depicted in our header image is simply a mockup; the actual billboard won't be posted until August 12, 2019. A local photographer is going to be hired to snap pictures of the billboard once it's been put up.

However, the campaign has been much more successful than anticipated. At the time of writing, it stands at $3,335 — nearly double of their intended goal. That's why the creator of the campaign stated on the /r/nomansskythegame subreddit that they are going to be using the excess funds to donate games and consoles to a special needs school.

No Man's Sky may have had a rocky launch, but Hello Games have worked hard to really flesh it out. If you don't yet already own the game, you can get it at a 50% discount on right now as part of their Summer Sale Festival.

Disclosure: GOG works with TechRaptor to provide benefits for our Pack Hunter members.

What do you think of fans buying a No Man's Sky billboard to express their gratitude to Hello Games? Do you like the mock-up design of the billboard? How do you like the game's development so far? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About No Man's Sky
Game Page No Man's Sky
Hello Games
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
August 9, 2016 (Calendar)
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