Lost Judgment PC screenshot showing off the main character looking grim.

Lost Judgment and Judgment PC Releases Now Live

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Published: September 14, 2022 10:00 AM

If you're a fan of the Judgment series and wanted Judgment and Lost Judgment PC releases, your chances looked pretty grim for a while. Last year, the releases were apparently canceled due to a dispute with Takuya Kimura's talent agency "Johnny's". That situation now appears to have been rectified, but let's take a look into the whole situation, shall we?

Why were the Lost Judgment and Judgment PC releases blocked?

Basically, the talent agency has a strict policy regarding social media and publication of its clients on PC. It bans most of their talent from using social media at all, and even photos taken at a press conference can't be published online. Because of Johnny's being against Judgment PC releases of any kind, Sega apparently canceled plans of a third game in the series due to losses being so severe without a Judgment PC release. Now that there are Judgment PC releases over a year later, does that mean we'll receive a third title in the series? Hopefully.

Judgment PC release screenshot showing the main character looking into the camera mournfully.
Pictured: Sega's soulful reaction to not being able to publish the Judgment series on PC.

Thankfully, PC gaming isn't where it once was

As a PC gamer who lived through the dark ages of 2006-2014, it's really nice to see the gradual 180. Back then, every major publisher hated us for existing, and now we're a huge part of their portfolios. Compelling indie games can sell over a million copies in their first week of release (albeit aided by console releases), and niche titles that would've been consigned to the dustbin of gaming history can break out and become massive successes.

Dark Souls, for instance, was popular but not a mega success when it was initially launched. After its release on PC and subsequent sequels, we now have Elden Ring, which has sold tens of millions of copies (again, aided by console versions as well). There are plenty of other examples of games coming to PC and selling super well, too, so let's hope Judgment follows suit.

If you're interested in checking out the Judgment PC releases, Judgment and Lost Judgment are now available on Steam. The jury's out on whether they're good ports, but Sega has had a fairly decent track record so they should be good. They do have Denuvo DRM, which apparently isn't great, so we'll have to see.

For more information on the Judgment series, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Release Date
September 24, 2021 (Calendar)
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