A lot of credit is given to The Lord Of The Rings for its influence on modern fantasy, and it's making another contribution to the world of gaming. Announced for 2023, The Lord Of The Rings: Return To Moria is the latest installment in the LOTR game universe. While previous titles covered genres such as real-time strategy, action-adventure, and RPG, this will be the first one revolving around survival and crafting. Presented for the Epic Games platform, the game is expected to be released for PC.
Return To Moria Survival Gameplay
The fantasy world of LOTR is a vast one full of rich lore and grand-scale conflict. While movies and certain games have done their best to follow the plot of the books, newer games like the Shadow Of Mordor series try to tell an original story. This is also the case for the upcoming game The Lord Of The Rings: Return To Moria. Set in the iconic location of Moria, the game will allow players to carve their own path through the mountains once the game is released.
As shown in the announcement trailer, Return To Moria will be a survival experience. The game is set during the Fourth Age, a time that's set after the main storyline following the destruction of Sauron and the One Ring. Players will take on the role of Dwarves who are returning to Moria in order to reclaim their long-lost kingdom from dark forces. Players can play either alone or together as they dig, craft, and build their way through the underground world. They'll also have to deal with the remaining threats including Goblins, and Orcs.
The Lord Of The Rings: Return To Moria will offer many objectives in addition to survival that will challenge players to take back important landmarks and recover magical artifacts. Developed by Free Range Games and published by North Beach Games, players with teams up to eight will be able to undertake this quest early next year.