The newest entry into the acclaimed series, Harvest Moon: Light of Hope will be coming to Steam, PS4, and the Nintendo Switch in 2017. This title will be the first ever Harvest Moon title to come to the PC platform in 20 years of history and over 30 games.
As ever with Harvest Moon, the premise is simple. Taking part in a voyage for a fresh start, players are hit by a monsoon, and find themselves shipwrecked at a town, also wrecked by the monsoon. What follows will be familiar to most veteran Harvest Moon players - crop growing, raising livestock, and new family and friends. What sets this game apart from the rest of its kin is a new emphasis on a strong storyline, and more obvious goals throughout the game.
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope will set itself apart from other Harvest Moon titles with its depth, including a robust story and clearcut goals. We set out to create a SNES-style nostalgic game with deep and meaningful characters and events
- Hiro Maekawa, President & CEO of Natsume.
Perhaps the most notable difference is the seeming emphasis on repairing the town's lighthouse. The importance of repairing the lighthouse is mentioned multiple times in promotional materials, and it's probably safe to assume that the "Light of Hope" from the title is the town's lighthouse, and that the disrepair of the lighthouse may be part of what caused your shipwreck.
Quick take
I've been dying for a Harvest Moon game on the PC - is what most people would have likely been saying a couple of years ago. There's no doubt that the success of Stardew Valley is what pushed Natsume to bring Harvest Moon to Steam's storefront, and I'm certain that the long-running franchise will find a willing audience there.