Games with Gold February 2016

Games with Gold February 2016 - Many Adventures Await!

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Published: January 28, 2016 3:10 PM

It's almost February of 2016 and with it a whole new set of games are going to be available as a part of Games with Gold. For those who aren't aware Games with Gold is a service where each month two Xbox One and two Xbox 360 games become available for Xbox Live Gold subscribers to download for free. For the Xbox 360 they are tied to your account forever and for the Xbox One games you need to maintain your subscription.

Games With Gold February 2016 Xbox One
Fun fantasy action awaits

For the Xbox One for the entire length of February Hand of Fate will be available for free. Hand of Fate is an interesting mix of roguelike/action-RPG/deck builder where you will put cards into a deck and then as they're dealt out the cards and dungeon comes to life around you. Each time you play will be a completely different experience. From the 16th of February to March 15th Styx: Master of Shadows, a stealth action RPG, will be available for Gold subscribers. You play as Styx the goblin assassin as you move through the Tower of Akenash infiltrating and assassinating as you progress.

Games With Gold February 2016 Xbox 360
No Xbox owner has any excuse to not own every Gears of War starting now

On the Xbox 360 side from the start of February until the 15th, Sacred Citadel will be available. Based on the well known Sacred series, Sacred Citadel instead is a side scrolling action brawler. You are a warrior newly added to the resistance and it's up to you to aid them in protecting the peaceful land of Ancaria from the evil Ashen empire. This game has local and online multiplayer for up to three players. On the 16th of February, when Sacred Citadel returns to its regular price, Gears of War 2 will become free until the end of the month. After having all of the other Gears of War games released on Games with Gold it's good to see everyone's collection can be completed now. You continue the story of the COGs and their continued war with the Locust. Both of these Xbox 360 games will also be available to play on Xbox One with Backwards Compatibility.

What do you think of this month's Games with Gold? Are there any games on the list you'd recommend to others? Are there any you're excited to play?

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Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew