As of an hour ago, Evolve players struggling to get into a hunt can join the Big Alpha discussion on matchmaking and bugs over at Turtle Rock's Official Evolve forums. There is also a minor workaround if you know two other people playing. The forums have this handy tip posted for anyone itching to get in. There is also this Steam group for people frustrated with the matchmaking issues! Hope this helps.Just now announced on Evolve's Twitter there is a hotfix for Evolve. Everyone should quit and restart their client. Confirmed that this has fixed the matchmaking however there's rumours online that it's causing people to drop more often. We will have to check this ourselves. Update: This is confirmed. We at TechRaptor are dropping from games randomly but it doesn't seem to be all that common. The ratio of games is about 5 played to 2 dropped (5:2). The game is definitely playable now.
Just announced only 15 fifteen minutes ago is the Evolve Big Alpha Live Stream that can be watched over at the Evolve Twitch stream. It starts in just 8 minutes time!
We had hoped to bring you guys an in depth Evolve Big Alpha preview of the nitty gritty, different classes and customization. Unfortunately we are currently having some technical issues with Evolve and are not able to bring you the preview just yet. We're not alone though it seems according to 2K's forums. People worldwide are reporting and complaining about the immense issues with matchmaking, and loading in. The game is gorgeous but the load times are immense. One of our writers took a shower and when they came back they were still in the matchmaking lobby. Some people have been searching more than an hour for a game it seems and they aren't happy. 2K are very aware of this issue and endeavoring to fix it.
On the Playstation 4 side of things, Evolve as of two hours ago has been postponed due to the recent PS4 2.00 firmware issues. 2k are experiencing some difficulties and as a result Ps4 owners looking forward to it have been let down. However in an act of good faith, the kind folks at 2K have allowed any Ps4 owners who have either an Xbox One or PC to now register on either platform using the code below. They will send a new invite to play.
Not anyone can do this mind you. You will first need to go to the Evolve Big Alpha website and fill in the form, including the registration code, referral code and the valid email address. You will then receive an email of confirmation with your invite and a new product voucher. Redeem the the product voucher on your chosen platform and you can then download Evolve onto it.
2K says they will update this post as more developments happen. In the meantime if you want to remain up to date with all the latest news surrounding Evolve's Big Alpha, then you can follow the Evolve twitter account. While you're there, why not even follow turtle rock and remain up to date with their own happenings?
From the short fifteen minutes we at TechRaptor have managed to play so far, we have really enjoyed Evolve. The medic is an interesting class. While having no weapons, she's integral to the team, while the trapper keeps the beast from running off and healing. Support and Assault are the usual fare you'd expect from a class based game. We've not had the pleasure of playing as the Goliath in Evolve as of yet, but fingers crossed we can bring you an in-depth preview of the Evolve Big Alpha over the next few days.