Battlefield 1 continues to see success for EA, including it's announced expansion In the Name of the Tsar during the EA press conference. One of the features coming in the expansion, outside of playing as part of the Russian Federation and new gameplay maps, is a new gameplay mode, Supply Drop.
DICE producer Andrew Gulotta discusses how Supply Drop works with PCgamesN. It is essentially a fight for supply drops of goodies, where teams will try to capture items such as ammo, health, vehicles, and pickups for Elite classes. The team that captures the most points from the supply drops wins.
It's a simple enough mode, that will be balanced by the type of supply drops available. Gulotta mentions that ammo and health would be common drops in the mode while vehicles and Elite class pickups are much rarer, but can turn the tide in a battle if used effectively to win for a team.
The mode is actually inspired by two sources. First is shades of a mode found in Star Wars: Battlefront's Drop Zone mode, which has a similar premise. The second is based on the Eastern Front itself, which was famous for flying and dropping supplies to the front lines due to the large swaths of land the Eastern Front had.
Battlefield 1 has been a successful title for EA, with an estimated 15 million copies sold. It's first expansion, They Shall Not Pass, released in March of 2017, adding the French and Belgian forces to the game, new maps and vehicles and two New Operations. In the Name of the Tsar will not only include Supply Drop but the Russian Federation and over six new maps, including several night versions of maps.
In the Name of the Tsar will release in September of this year.
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