
E3 2016 - Spiderman Gets More Details

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Published: June 20, 2016 10:42 AM

Following the E3 announcement of Insomniac's Spiderman, this week we've found more details into what to possibly expect from the upcoming title.

In accordance to an interview from the PlayStation Blog, Insomniac's Spiderman will not be based on any of the upcoming movies. Set in an entirely new universe, creative director Bryan Inthihar said that aside from drawing inspiration from the comics, this new title will feature its own unique narrative.

For me it's about respecting the traditions of the franchise, but mixing things up. It's about that blend. Honestly that's the thing that I've been so surprised at, but also excited about working with Bill, Mike and everybody in Marvel of going 'well can we try this?' and they're like 'sure!'. "

- Bryan Inthihar from Insomniac Games

While the details concerning the story still remain unknown, Inthihar said that the title will not be an origins tale and will instead take place a little further into Peter Parker's life.

Within the interview, Inthihar also noted that there a few hidden 'Easter eggs' that may provide hints as to what to expect from the story. In accordance to IGN, further analysis of the trailer has shown the possibility of two villains within the upcoming title.

Within the first 30 seconds, we see a billboard 'Osborn For Mayor', hinting at the possibility of Norman/Harry Osborn making an appearance. Whether this means that the Green Goblin is confirmed, or that Oscorp may have some sort of evil experiment going on, at this point we can only speculate.

Osborn for Mayor
'Osborn For Mayor' campaign sign from the trailer (Left), and Norman Osborn (Right)

But as well as this, the most significant clues that have been found is the possible appearance of the Chinese crime lord, Mister Negative. From the mysterious group of gang members we see Spiderman beating up all wearing Chinese dragon masks; we can assume that they're the 'Inner Demon' goons who work for Mister Negative, as these masks are the main signature item that all his henchmen wear.

Mister Negative Inner Demons
Masked henchmen from the trailer (left), and Inner Demon goons from the comics (right)

The second clue comes in the 50 second mark, where a building with the initials F.E.A.S.T center is noticed during a car chase scene. Entitled the Food, Emergency Aid, Shelter and Training center, this base serves as the main operation for Martin Li, Mister Negatives secret/alternate identity.

Whether Mister Negative has a major significance to the plot, at this point it seems very likely that he'll be appearing in Insomniac's Spiderman.

F.E.A.S.T. center from the trailer (left), and Martin Li from the Antivenom Comics (right)

While Insomniac's Spiderman is yet to have a release date, Insomniac has promised more updates within the coming months.

To find more of our E3 coverage, be sure to check out our E3 Coverage Hub.

What are your thoughts on a new Spiderman game? Are you looking forward to it? What are your thoughts on the Green Goblin possibly making an appearance? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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Super famous games journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. When not writing for TechRaptor, Jason is also covering material for Digital Fox.… More about Jason

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Learn More About Marvel's Spider-Man
Insomniac Games
PlayStation 4
Release Date
September 7, 2018 (Calendar)
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