The Division Conflict_Incursion_converted

The Division's Second Free Expansion Gets Dated

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Published: May 17, 2016 9:32 PM

After all the toil and trouble with Tom Clancy's The Division's technical difficulties, you would be forgiven for forgetting that there's also new content in the pipeline. The second free update is titled 'Conflict' and is coming to a screen near you on May 24. Find out more info in the official blog post or watch trailer here:

This update adds a second four-player incursion (the game's endgame horde mode meant for players with the highest gear score) to the game titled 'Clear Sky', and sees you and your team fight against an overwhelming number of escaped convicts from Riker's Island at the Columbus Circle for new weapons, mods and gear sets, of which there are four to collect.

In Columbus Circle, Rikers have seized one of the anti-aircraft sites abandoned by the Last Man Battalion. Now, they control the entire Manhattan airspace, and are taking possession of the supply drops.
The four new gear sets are as follows:
  • Final Measure is a new defensive set.
  • Hunter’s Faith is a new long range set.
  • Predator’s Mark new support set.
  • Lone Star is a DPS (damage per second) gear set.
Gear dropping in the hard mode of the incursion will have a gear score of 204, and set pieces from the incursion will have a gear score of 214. The Challenge mode will get you 204 gear score High-End items and a 240 set piece every time you complete the incursion. You will also get double rewards the first time you complete the incursion each week. As a bonus, the incursion will have a checkpoint after the first encounter.

The singleplayer section of Manhattan is also getting a bit of an upgrade. New 'Search and Destroy' missions send you back into the city to find and kill new gang leaders. You can start these missions from a safehouse after you've completed all the side missions and encounters. You need to complete these missions to gain intel to find the new High-Value Targets. These High-Value Targets will only appear as part of a daily or weekly assignment and will disappear once the timer runs out.

Players who like the game's PvPvE Dark Zone will also be able to screw other players over by hijacking extractions. This means you'll be able to interrupt an ongoing extraction by cutting the rope thrown down from the extraction helicopter. Once you do that, you go rogue, and you'll need to defend your ill-gotten gains from other players until you can extract them yourself.

Named enemies in the Dark Zone will also drop Sealed Caches, which contain "mysterious" items, high-end crafting materials and Dark Zone funds. These Caches are contaminated and will need to be extracted before you can use the items within.

The new update for The Division will be available to players on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on May 24.

Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Tom Clancy's The Division
Ubisoft Massive
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
March 7, 2016 (Calendar)
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