The Dark Mod version 2.06, an update to the fan-made stealth game based on Thief, has just released. According to user Springheel at The Dark Mod forums, this update “was done to improve rendering performance and overall framework tech” noting that “Legacy OpenGL methods have been replaced with their equivalents in modern OpenGL” and that this is "the first TDM release to offer a native 64-bit build.” For DarkMod users to update their version, they must run the “tdm_update” executable in their DarkMod folder. Current saved game files will not be compatible with this new version.
Several improvements have been added. The update implements a soft shadow option to replace the sharp edges of shadows the game have had. A new EFX audio option allows users without Creative hardware to enable EAX audio effects. The update improves the game's menus by boosting the resolution of them, giving them widescreen support, and adding a section for tweaking the game’s HUD. This update also adds FFMPEG video support, meaning Dark Mod mission authors will have an easier time including briefing videos in their work. A couple of experimental performance options include multi-core support and uncapped FPS.
A full changelog can be viewed here.

Previous versions of the Dark Mod have added improvements like these, but the most important update was released in 2013 with version 2.0. This made The Dark Mod a standalone game utility, removing the need to run it through Doom 3. The Dark Mod had been a Doom 3 mod when it was fully released in 2009.
If you are interested in The Dark Mod, you can download it here.