Battlefield Hardline

Battlefield Hardline Premium Details Leaked

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Published: March 1, 2015 12:44 PM

Details pertaining to Battlefield Hardline have apparently been leaked before an official announcement by Electronic Arts.

According to the website Attack of the Fanboy, the marketing from a GameStop sleeve have pulled back the curtain on Hardline, showcasing the Premium service the game will have after it's release.

Admittingly, the content itself is pretty much what you would expect. Battlefield Hardline: Premium is offering players the typical season pass package. Buyers will get access to four major DLC expansions, twelve additional battlepacks and exclusive items. What is interesting, however, is the sleeve implies that those who buy into the premium version of Hardline will get DLC two weeks early. Whether or not this pertains to all the DLC offered under the Premium label is yet to be revealed.

The information is also on a Playstation advertisement. This also implies that console exclusive early access is no longer involved either, meaning both Playstation and Xbox owners might be receiving DLC early if they purchase the Premium edition.

The GameStop sleeve also states that "there are more perks yet to be announced".

Hardline Premium Art Leak

Currently, there is not much else to really go on regarding Hardline, which has been delayed from a October release to March 17th, 2015. According to EA,  the reason for the delay was due to feedback from the public beta on the game. Visceral made the beta available to all platforms on February 3rd, and has touted over 7 million users participating between February 3rd to February 9th.

EA has currently not detailed what the post-release schedule for Battlefield Hardline at this time, and will likely wait until after the release of the title to go into more details.

So is the leak really a big surprise? How do you feel about Battlefield Hardline and their season pass? Let us know in the comments below! 

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Battlefield Hardline
Visceral Games
Electronic Arts
Release Date
March 17, 2015 (Calendar)
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