Angry Birds Vending Machine Lets You Punch It For Prizes

Published: November 19, 2019 12:11 PM /


Angry Birds vending machine

Angry Birds has certainly made a lot of people mad over the years — how the hell did I miss that shot? — but they've just announced something that will reward you for blowing your lid: an Angry Birds vending machine is coming to New York City, and you'll get neat prizes for beating the everloving crap out of it.

The "Venting Machine" has been created as part of the Angry Birds "Bring The Anger" campaign, which seeks to harness anger into something more positive. But first, let's take a look at the machine in action:

It should be noted that this pretty much has you doing the exact opposite of everything you're told about vending machines. Yelling at a vending machine is pretty harmless, but punching or shaking one can result in a disastrous accident.

Thankfully, it seems that this Angry Birds vending machine has been specifically designed to take abuse, much like a heavy-duty pickup truck or a public relations agent. It will be heading to Times Square in New York City on November 21, 2019, but one question remains: why?

Angry Birds vending machine screaming

Angry Birds Vending Machine Uses Your Rage for Good

Anger is a contentious emotion. Should you scream into a pillow? Should you drink some tea to calm down? It's hard to say, but Dr. Karen Habib believes that it can be used in a good way.

"Anger is an energizing emotion--it calls people to action,"Dr. Habib says in a blog post titled "The Positive Power of Anger." "When channeled correctly, it is the fuel needed for change.  It fuels assertiveness, problem-solving, and activism.  It can be the energy and motivation required to change what isn't working."

It seems that the folks at Rovio took that sentiment rather literally with the creation of a vending machine that you punch for prizes.

That's not all they're doing, though. Sure, you can score something cool by punching a vending machine in Manhattan (something that usually ends with you in handcuffs), but they're also channeling players' rage into helping children around the world with their Bring The Anger campaign. Rovio is partnering with UNICEF, ultimately culminating in a $100,000 donation to the organization's Education in Emergencies fund after players have popped 10 billion pigs in Angry Birds 2.

You can help chip into the Bring The Anger campaign by popping pigs in Angry Birds 2. And if you live in the New York City area, you can go smack around a vending machine on November 21, 2019, in Times Square.

What do you think of the Angry Birds vending machine? Have you ever lost your cool at a vending machine? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N