Steam Summer Sale

The 2014 Steam Summer Sale Begins (Advice)

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Published: June 19, 2014 4:18 PM

It's that time of the year again! The event the PC gaming community looks forward to for months in advance. It's time to empty out any remaining Steam Wallet balance that's been hanging around, and prepare for the onslaught of deals too good to pass up, even though your backlog is probably way too full as it is.

It's important to keep a level head and not go nuts with the spending, as it's easy to jump the gun on a purchase when the game you're buying is likely to get an even bigger discount later. For first timers and those just needing a refresher, I've  listed a few tips below to get the most out of your summer shopping experience, so you can always feel good about the purchases you're making.

Always wait for daily deals and flash sales. Every day the front page has a new set of deals. These 8 discounts are usually pretty substantial, and are generally a safe purchase. Most of the time the daily deals are among the lowest prices the games reach during a given sale period, so don't hesitate to snatch something up you've been waiting for. In addition, the 8-hour rotating flash sales are equally safe. This year Steam is running things differently, with flash sales filling the role of community choice sale as well. If something appears in the cluster of 4, go for it.

Fill up that wishlist. It's easy to see the massive amounts of % off stickers and get overexcited, but it's better to keep a shopping list and come back to it. If you see something you want, or have had something in mind for a while, throw it in your wishlist and come back to it. Most things go on sale more than once, so if you're on the fence about something, wait it out, and don't needlessly throw your money around just for the sake of it. Plus, the wishlist is a great place to keep things organized.

Take part in the community activities. The summer adventure this year will be giving out Steam trading cards left and right, so it's important to pay attention and vote whenever possible. Download the Steam mobile app to keep track of everything on the go, and watch your inventory fill up with cards, which you can then sell back to the market or keep to craft some neat stuff. Taking part in the activities are half the fun!

In the end there's no wrong way to go, and everyone wins during a Steam sale. Have fun with it, just make sure to actually play the games you buy!

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Seth firmly believes that there isn't a good way to make a bio sound anything less than pretentious without tossing in a self-referential meta joke, so… More about Seth