The latest in Sandlot and D3 Publisher's cult-classic series, Earth Defense Force 5 released in Japan in 2017 before a Western release was announced for 2018. Like most of the series, it features giant aliens (like giant ant) invading Earth in a general B-Movie campy tone that has helped earn the series its notability.
Here's a description from the store page:
Become an EDF Soldier and Save Earth Become one of the soldiers of EDF and exterminate the invading aliens. Protect peace on Earth.
Human-Looking Aliens Appear for the First Time in The Series What are the unprecedented and intellectual alien beings from another planet called the 'Primer'? A series-first enemy alien finally appears. The battle with this intelligent enemy produces unprecedented deep despair, while leading the player to the most fun yet as EDF must confront them with courage and wisdom.
More Content than Ever, with Online Co-op Mode Includes more than 100 missions in five difficulties and 1000+ usable arms. The two-players co-op mode can also be played on a single screen, and all missions can be played in online co-op mode up to four players. Control four combatants, and join the battle with other EDF members living in the real world.