fortnite chapter 4

Fortnite's Battle Passes: How Did They Take Over the Gaming Industry?

Much like any other art form, there are no small number of games that are so good that they are almost transformative to the individual playing them. On occasion, there are also games that…

January 11, 2023 | 01:00 EST

fall guys

Top 6 Fall Guys Stages

Everyone has their favorite courses from shows like Wipeout. You know those types of shows—the ones that feature outrageous obstacles and even more ridiculous contestants? That's certainly the case…

August 9, 2020 | 12:00 EDT


UK Politicians Say Fortnite Harms Children; Forget Role of Parents

The rise of video games in culture and society has inevitably meant that children would get their hands on them. In an unsurprising repeat of history, influential public figures have noticed this…

May 5, 2018 | 02:00 EDT