Hitman 3 Guide - How to Eliminate Dubai Targets

Last Update: January 23, 2021 12:37 AM /


Hitman 3 Dubai Targets Feature

Agent 47's first mission in Hitman 3, "On Top of the World," takes place in the Sceptre, the world's tallest building located in the luxurious city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The agent is tasked with eliminating two members of the Providence organization's leadership, Marcus Stuyvesant and Carl Ingram. To do so, 47 will have to infiltrate a lavish party being thrown to celebrate the Sceptre's opening.

As always, there's lots of different ways to approach taking out each target. Here are just a few ideas to get closer to Stuyvesant and Ingram and take them out for good.

How to Kill Marcus Stuyvesant in Hitman 3 Dubai

Hitman 3 Dubai Marcus Stuyvesant
The target in his favorite hangout

Art-lover Marcus Stuyvesant can typically be found observing the Sceptre's art installation, which is located off the Atrium area next to the Black Gold Bar. He also wanders the backstage area behind the exhibit.

Stuyvesant is followed by a personal security guard at all times. In order to eliminate him, you must either remove the guard without Stuyvesant noticing or impersonate the guard yourself. Luckily, Stuyvesant is dissatisfied with his current guard and is looking for a replacement, which gives Agent 47 an easy "in" to get close to this Providence Partner.

If you want to separate Stuyvesant from his guard, your best option is when he is walking through the backstage area.The narrow hallways with sharp corners mean that there are several points when Stuyvesant pulls ahead of the guard. If you choose to eliminate him at this time, you will have to do it quickly and immediately stash the body before Stuyvesant notices and calls for security. Once he's alone, he makes a far easier target.

Hitman 3 Art Installation Backstage
The dark backstage area is full of great places to hide bodies

Hitman 3 Dubai (in)Security

Another option is to pass yourself off as Stuyvesant's replacement guard. Eliminating your target in this way will complete the "(In) Security" Mission Story and award you with bonus XP. To do this, you will first need to follow your target through the backstage area until he enters the Security Room. Do not enter the Security Room yourself UNLESS you are already wearing a guard's outfit, as only guards are allowed in here. Listen in on Stuyvesant's conversation where he complains about his need for a new guard.

To convince your mark that you are his new guard, you'll need an Event Security uniform and a set of Transfer Papers. You can grab a spare Event Security uniform without needing to kill or take out anyone simply by visiting the Laundry Room in the Staff Area, where piles of unused uniforms are waiting to be washed.

Hitman 3 Changing Room
This guy's in a bit of a bind

From the Laundry Room, it's a quick journey to the Changing Room where the replacement guard himself is waiting. Unfortunately for him - and fortunately for 47 - the poor guy has lost his uniform! Refuse his request to borrow yours, pick up his Transfer Papers, and return to the Security Room to present yourself to Stuyvesant.

He'll ask you to prove yourself to him by hitting four targets with a thrown knife. After doing so, Stuyvesant will trust 47 completely and will walk around the balcony of the Sceptre building without anyone else around. This will give you plenty of opportunities to push your target off the balcony - and, as a bonus, this method of assassination means there's no need to hide the body!

How to Kill Carl Ingram in Hitman 3

Hitman 3 Carl Ingram
Ingram on his balcony, seconds away from taking a fatal drop

Wealthy, paranoid Carl Ingram is hiding out in a penthouse suite on the top level of the Sceptre building. Getting in there will be no easy task, as only penthouse guards, members of the cleaning staff, and Ingram's personal security detail are allowed inside. Additionally, the Penthouse level of the building is filled with Enforcer guards and staffers who might notice that you don't belong.

Luckily, there's a sneaky way up to the upper levels by traveling through the Staff Hallways or climbing the scaffolding inside the Backstage area. There is usually a penthouse guard or two patrolling the area. These guards also have a chance of carrying a Penthouse Key, which can be used to unlock and lock down doors inside Ingram's suite. However, be careful as the Security Room on this floor is almost always inhabited by an Enforcer.

Ingram paces his penthouse, occasionally taking time to sip a drink or sit at his desk. Poisoning his drink is definitely an option for elimination (Emetic Poison can be picked up from the Changing Room, while Lethal Poison must be looted from the dignitary Zana Kazem mentioned below). There's also a private penthouse chef preparing a meal just for Ingram, providing yet another opportunity for poison.

Hitman 3 Penthouse Guard
47 in penthouse guard getup

Alternately, taking the place of one of his personal security guards will allow 47 to follow Ingram onto his penthouse balcony, where he can be pushed off and quickly eliminated. Follow Ingram and get to know his walking pattern before eliminating and replacing one of his guards. At several points, he begins reciting a speech into his dictaphone and becomes distracted. During these times, his attention is less focused on his guards than usual.

Another option is to disguise 47 as a dignitary named Zana "The Vulture" Kazem, a businessman in a green suit. Kazem can be found seated in a smoking area in the Garden next to the Atrium. There are Coins on the bench next to him which can be picked up. Throwing the Coins will distract the tourists hanging out in the smoking area and allow you to eliminate Kazem and take his clothing. Don't forget to also grab the vial of Lethal Poison he's carrying.

Hitman 3 Zana The Vulture Kazem
The Vulture himself.

Hitman 3 Dubai Birds of Prey Mission

Kazem can freely enter the penthouse, although Ingram's guards WILL frisk him, so make sure that 47 is not carrying any illegal items. You'll be escorted into a meeting with Ingram. While it is possible to kill Ingram here, it will require eliminating his security guards and taking him out quickly before anyone can call for help. However, listening to Ingram at the meeting and completing his next task will fulfill the "Birds of Prey" Mission Story and award bonus XP.

Ingram will ask you to eliminate a journalist named Hans Lucht. Lucht can be found wandering around the Grand Hall area, and will follow you if you talk to him. Lead Lucht to a secluded area, such as the nearby bathroom. Incapacitate him, take a picture of his body, and return to Ingram.

After this point, Ingram will trust you fully and will meet with you in his bedroom. In this room, there are plenty of options for eliminating your target. 47 can garrote him, push him off the balcony, or even - perhaps most gruesome of all - impale him eye-first on a small replica of the Sceptre building found inside the penthouse. (You'll get even more bonus XP for that last one!)

Don't forget to check out TechRaptor's other Hitman 3 guides to eliminate every single target with ease.

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Kate is a lifelong writer, reader and gamer with a fondness for mysteries, open world exploration and farming / crafting sims. The "Kate" route in a… More about Kate

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Game Page Hitman 3
IO Interactive
IO Interactive
Release Date
January 20, 2021 (Calendar)
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