TechWeek Opinions

Techweek Digitizing Dinosaurs

Techweek 2015 - Digitizing the educational experience

Museums have always been a long-standing part of showcasing history, science, and more. But as the world changes, and technology becomes so integrated with our daily lives, what can museums do to…

July 28, 2015 | 12:00 EDT

TechWeek Chicago Mobile Advertising

Techweek 2015 - Advertising on Mobile is a Challenge

There were a number of great and informational talks about a wide variety of topics, and with the massive expansion of mobile over the last few years, there was naturally a talk on the platform—…

July 4, 2015 | 11:00 EDT

TechWeek Featured

TechWeek 2014 Intro Video

We're at TechWeek 2014 in downtown Chicago, IL for three days of Technology, Startups, and Music! We have a ton of interviews, articles, and pictures coming your way over the next few days - so stay…

June 28, 2014 | 12:32 EDT